330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Offstreet parking available in downtown Carrollton. Paved lot. Close to Courthouse and Public Square. Reasonable rates. Call 330-691-0118 or 330-805-7642.
Top prices paid for clean pre-owned guns, rifles, handguns and Thompson center muzzleloaders, estate purchases also. RUNZO’S Outdoor Sports on the strip St. Rt. 62 in Beloit 330-537-2137. Check Us Out on FB.
Standing Timber & Walnut Trees. CALL Carroll County Logging 330-738-2050 or 440-897-0863 Local and 25 Years Experience!
Gordon’s of Minerva has a full line of Home Furnishings – All sizes of mattresses, very nice selection of sectionals. Sofas and recliners fill the store! Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Closed on Wed., Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
Great variety of TV Stands, storage cabinets, end tables & coffee tables. – Great Selection and Prices! Sold assembled too! Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Closed on Wed., Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
All real estate ads published in The Messenger classifieds are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin intention to make any such preference, limitations or discrimination.
State laws forbid discrimination in the state, rental or advertisement of real estate based on factors in addition to those protections under federal law.
The Carroll County Messenger will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that the dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Newer Storage Building for rent or lease. 40X64 14’ tall W/2 12X16 ft. doors. Fully electric, concrete floor and building has easy road access. Located in Carrollton. $850 mo. 330-327-1308.
Pick-up your sauerkraut at farmer’s market from the Pickle People, call to order 330-932-9310, don’t forget to try our pickles!
Carpenters Needed to build pole buildings. Amish crews welcome. Transportation available. Call 330-904-9600.
Sanor’s Berry Farm looking for strawberry pickers!
Call 330-894-2375 leave your name and number and they will call you back with info.
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