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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Carrollton junior and senior girls took to the football field last week with members of the high school football team as coaches for a fundraising event.
The powderpuff teams, accompanied by male cheerleaders, who received a few tips from the high school cheerleading squad, raised $2,450 for the high school Caring Helping Sharing (CHS) Club. The money will be put to good use, according to CHS Club Advisor Belinda Mach.
“The funds will be split between Community Christmas, which serves children under the age of 12, and the Carrollton High School CARE Team Christmas project, which serves youth over the age of 12.
“It was a fun event for a good cause,” Mach said. “So many people helped make is possible. Our hope is that it makes Christmas brighter for children in our community.”
Mach expressed appreciation to Robin Hauenstein, McKenzie Mogus, Ryan Borland and Kelli Pridemore for serving as announcers, Renee Leslie, Alyssa Mitchell and Christy Guess who, along with herself, provided gift baskets, Dave Davis and Jason Eddy, who served as officials, Chuck and Ashley James, Larry Mogus, Shannon Baker, Levi and Sam Dickerhoof, the CHS Pep Band, Lori Bryan and the Carrollton Athletic Boosters Club for the donation and food for the concession stand, CHS Club members and Booster Club volunteers Gary Nist and Christine Vernier.
“There was a special, unplanned moment, that was really special and sticks out for me,” Mach said. “When it came time for the National Anthem, we had trouble with the equipment, so the coaches, players and cheerleaders met on the 50-yard line and sang it. The crowd joined and it was just so special. I hope it becomes a yearly tradition.”
The junior class girls won the game 6-0.
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