330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
A chase that led law enforcement through two counties landed a Youngstown man in jail.
While on patrol Nov. 9, a Carrollton Police officer witnessed a silver van approach the cruiser and make an abrupt turn into a W. Main St. convenience store. The driver, wearing a dark shirt, grey sweatpants and hat, went into the store and then returned to the van.
A report filed by Patrolman Lionel Woods stated the driver pulled onto W. Main St. and stopped beyond the bar at the light at Canton Rd. The van then continued onto SR 39 and the officer initiated a traffic stop.
The driver of the vehicle, Cody Richard Grove, 31, of Youngstown, stopped near the Fisherman Rd. intersection and, as Woods exited his vehicle, the man fled in the vehicle.
The driver continued on SR 39, straddling the centerline and going across the line and almost striking another vehicle near Dellroy.
Grove failed to acknowledge traffic control devices and traveled at speeds ranging between 45 to near 80 mph.
He led law enforcement down SR 542 to SR 212 and back onto SR 39 heading toward Roswell, at times intentionally hitting his brakes almost causing pursuing units to wreck.
The chase continued through Barnhill, Midvale, Uhrichsville and into Dennison.
The pursuit led officers near the Claymont Football Stadium, where a civilian threw something at the van. The driver went down Shamel Rd. to a dead end and into a field.
Officers and Carroll County deputies attempted to put down spike strips, but the driver came back quickly.
Woods jumped into the cruiser just before the man struck the officer’s cruiser, causing the van to become stuck on a stump.
Woods approached the vehicle and ordered the man to show his hands and exit the vehicle. The man did not comply and was tazed.
Grove was pulled from the vehicle, but he would not comply and attempted to reach toward his waistband. He continued to fight and was tazed a second time.
By this time, the Carroll County Deputy K9 unit arrived, as well as the K9 officer from Dennison.
With their assistance Grove was handcuffed.
He admitted to having meth in his person and retrieved two baggies from his anus.
Grove was transported to Tuscarawas County Jail where it was learned he has 10 open suspensions, multiple warrants from Tuscarawas and Guernsey counties with violent tendencies.
A K-bar knife was found on the front passenger seat. The man was cited for multiple charges and scheduled to appear in court. The substance in the baggies was sent to be tested.
Grove was indicted by a Carroll County grand jury Oct. 13 for Failure to Comply with the Order of a Police Offer and Felonious Assault.
He is scheduled to appear before Judge Michael V. Repella, II Oct. 28 for arraignment.
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