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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Carol McIntire, Editor
Christopher Modranski won the Republican nomination for the Jan. 3 term of Carroll County commissioner in the delayed Ohio primary election April 28.
Modranski defeated Donald Leggett II 1,402-1,257 in the only contested county race on the ballot and will face Democrat Tom White in the November general election. White, who was unopposed on the Democrat ballot, received 1,157 votes.
A total of 4,298 of the county’s 17,763 registered voters cast ballots, all by absentee or early in-person voting at the board of elections.
Presidential Delegates
Michael Bennett, 11
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 1,056
Michael R. Bloomberg, 41
Pete Buttigieg, 25
Tulsi Gabbard, 8
Amy Klobuchar, 21
Deval Patrick, 1
Bernie Sanders, 169
Tom Stayer, 11
Elizabeth Warren 35
Write-in, 8
U.S. Congress (6th District): Shawna Roberts, 1,171.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice (term 1): John P. O’Donnell, 1,129.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice (term 2): Jennifer Brunner, 1,132.
7th District Court of Appeals Justice: Cheryl Waite, 1,156.
State Senator: Michael Fletcher, 1,136.
County Commissioner (Jan. 3 term): Tom White, 1,157.
Clerk of Courts: William Wohlwend, 1,210.
Sheriff: Dale Williams, 1,243.
Republican Presidential Delegates: Donald J. Trump, 2,441.
Republican Presidential District Delegates: Donald J. Trump, 2,412.
U.S. Congress (6th District): Bill Johnson, 2,195; Kenneth Morgan, 459.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice (term 1): Sharon Kennedy, 2,271.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice (term 2): Judi French, 2,182.
7th District Court of Appeals (term 9): Carol Ann Robb, 2,243.
State Central Committee Man (39th District): Jim Carnes, 2,194.
State Central Committee Woman (30th District): LeeAnn Johnson, 2,195.
State Senate (30th District); Frank Hoagland, 2,256.
State Representative (95th District): Don Jones, 2,301.
Common Pleas Judge (Probate and Juvenile Division): Sean R.H. Smith, 2,380.
County Commissioner (Jan. 2 term): Robert Wirkner, 2,242.
County Commissioner (Jan. 3 term): Donald Leggett, II, 1,257; Christopher Modranski, 1,402.
Prosecuting Attorney: Steven D. Barnett, 2,245.
Recorder: Patricia Oyer, 2,389.
Treasurer: Jeff Yeager, 2,433.
Engineer: Brian Wise, 2,326.
Coroner: Mandal B. Haas, 2,422.
B&M Joint Ambulance District: YES, 438; NO, 375.
Southern Local Schools (additional levy): YES, 0; NO, 2.
Orange Twp. Local Option: YES, 144, NO, 73.
Orange Twp. Local Option (D-6 permit): YES, 120; No, 98.
Sandy Creek Fire District (additional levy): YES, 126; NO, 102.
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