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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Thomas Clapper
CCM Reporter
Parke and Betty Butterfield were honored with a plaque for their 40 years of service to the village at Carrollton Village Council’s March 25 meeting.
The Butterfield’s are stepping down after 40 years of mowing, Mayor Bill Stoneman and Village Administrator Mark Wells presented a plaque to the couple and offered their thanks and appreciation on behalf of the village.
Parke and Betty have been mowing and weed eating for the village, at one point up to 10 acres, including the square, water plant, sewer plant and more.
“We are very thankful for your service and we would like to present to you this plaque,” said Stoneman shaking hands with the couple.
“Thank you for all of your great work and congratulations,” said Wells.
“I want you to please thank everyone who has assisted us with moving things and those who helped us do this throughout the years,” said Parke Butterfield. “Thank you.”
In an unrelated matter, several Lawrence Dr. SW residents attended the meeting with safety concerns about the recent fence that was installed. Several residents said, with the new fence in place, it is too close to the road and those driving around the circular road cannot see what is coming the other way.
“I just don’t know how anyone could think this is safe,” said one resident. “Why is one new person allowed to make it so us who have lived here for years can’t do what we used to do? It is unfair.”
Residents also noted the main concern is there are several children under the age of five who live in the area and it used to be safer to play, but now nobody will be able to see them when coming around the turn. Residents made it clear they have nothing against the neighbor who put the fence up.
Blaine Strawder, Village Building and Zoning inspector, said he could not approve the permit, but after the Zoning Board of Appeals gives permission, he can allow it. He noted it was a Zoning Board of Appeals decision and not his.
The Zoning Board of Appeals originally met on Nov. 13, 2023, for the Lawrence Drive fence.
According to village records, the homeowner was notified of the meeting and the neighbor Joe Baxter. This neighbor was the only person who was required to be notified in the instance of a homeowner installing a fence. The visitors that were present were Derik and Angela Kaltenbaugh, Bryon Hicks, Strawder, Travis Parker, who had a fence he wanted to put up at his residence, the homeowner and Joe Baxter’s sister. Baxter’s sister said she came because she didn’t understand the letter that was sent to him, but her brother had no problem with them installing a fence.
When asked who comprises the board, Councilman Corey Yeager said it is everyone except the Council President Wilma Lambert.
“This is a tough situation,” said Councilman Tom White. “Everything was done legally and there was no mistake made. Everyone on the street did not get a letter so no one was there to dispute this. It is unfortunate.”
Council is trying to come up with solutions and to make sure something similar does not happen in the future. Carrollton Police Department Officer Theodore Bointnot suggested possible rubber speed bumps to slow traffic going around the turn. Wells said they might work in the summer but in the winter they would have to come out because the workers can’t keep raising and lowering the plow for speed bumps.
A chain link fence was brought up and residents seemed to agree that would help since it can be seen through. Wells was asked to look into chain link prices and do some measurements.
“We will see what we can do, we will try, but at this point can’t guarantee any action,” said Councilman Chris Barto.
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