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Boy Scout Ham dinner returns Feb.19, ticket sales underway
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After a three-year hiatus, the popular Boy Scout Troop 141’s Ham Dinner is returning!
Troop officials announced last week the dinner will be held Feb. 19 (Presidents’ Day) from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in the Carrollton Elementary cafeteria, located on Third St. NE in Carrollton.
The popular ham dinner will be served in the cafeteria or ticket holders can opt for a carry-out container. The meal consists of ham, scalloped potatoes, cream corn, applesauce, bread, dessert and drink.
Troop leaders are excited to bring the popular dinner back as it provides funds for scouting activities throughout the year. The silent auction will return as well. A total of 758 dinners were served at the 2020 event and the goal is to surpass that number this year.
Sanders Market in Carrollton is ordering and cooking the ham for the dinner.
Tickets are $15 each for ages 13 and up, $10 for ages 4-12 and free for children under age 4.
Scouts will canvas the Carrollton business community selling tickets or they can be ordered by calling Mary at 330-205-2391.
Scouts will also set up a table to sell tickets at Tractor Supply, Discount Drug Mart and Sanders Market from 9 a.m. until noon on the following dates: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17.
Walk-ins are welcome the night of the dinner.
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