330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Carroll County veterans are invited to participate in a special Veterans Day program at Carrollton High School Nov. 11.
School officials are planning a special salute to veterans that includes a parade at the school on SR 332, as well as refreshments.
American Legion Post 428 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Fighting McCook Post 3301 are encouraging all county veterans to participate as students pay tribute to their service.
Ed Robinson, director of programs at Carrollton Schools, said students plan to line the sidewalk in front of the school and wave flags as veterans drive past in their vehicles. Coffee, hot chocolate and pastries will be served near the new field house.
Lineup for the parade begins at 9:45 a.m. on Industrial Drive (road leading into the Industrial Park).
In addition, fifth grade students at Carrollton elementary plan to attend a program at Westview Cemetery Nov. 11 at 11 a.m.
Veteran Mike Maiorca is scheduled to speak and a color guard will conduct full military honors.
Those wishing to participate are asked to call VFW Post 3301 at 330-627-7501, VFW Commander Rodger Barto at 330-323-6827 or Larry Tasker at 330-827-7143.
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