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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Thomas Clapper
Carroll County Commissioners held an Emergency Services Appreciation Day ceremony at its March 6 meeting. Honored was Emergency Medical Dispatcher, Brittney Gifford.
Commissioner Robert Wirkner thanked all county emergency services personnel. He advised that the emergency services personnel are charged with saving lives and protecting property every day of the year, and they can never be adequately compensated or sufficiently recognized for the sacrifices made for our communities.
Wirkner said the Honorable Recognition is reserved for nominees who don’t meet the criteria for the three main awards, but their actions are still worthy of recognition. Commissioner Wirkner advised that this year there was an Emergency Medical Dispatcher nominated for commendation, Brittney Gifford.
Gifford assisted individuals who needed guidance to perform CPR for a person and she aided the individuals and provided the steps needed to help preserve life until the ambulance arrived.
Gifford was presented a certificate.
Samantha Jacobs, 911 coordinator said that she and Sergeant Kelsie Tullis reviewed the call and both feel that Gifford went above and beyond with this stressful call by keeping everyone calm and issuing CPR instructions.
“As a former dispatcher I thank you,” said Commissioner Chris Modranski. “I understand that dispatchers mostly only hear complaints and most of the time do not hear the results of the calls. Again I’d like to thank you.”
Carroll County Sheriff Calvin Graham was in attendance and said “We appreciate all of the dispatchers and thank you for what you do.”
“They do a lot of training, put in a lot of work and remain dedicated to the job.”
Wirkner added even though the family wants to remain anonymous, they wanted to express their appreciation for the work Gifford did on the call. He said the individuals who were administering the CPR are also appreciative of Gifford’s help.
In other business, commissioners:
-HEARD Carroll County Dog Warden Cason Leggett report there are four dogs in the county that he believes were dumped off and are running at large. He advised that he would appreciate if people would call in if they spot the dogs but not try to apprehend them.
Leggett said after he set a trap out the other day, someone tried to catch the dog and ran the dog out of the area of his trap, and now he will have to move the trap to another location. He asked the public to not feed dogs after he sets a trap for them. He explained the best way to help is to call him so they can apprehend the dog.
Leggett said that there are dangers with dogs running at large. Dogs that are loose and get on the road can cause accidents, and the dog’s owner is liable for those accidents. Warden Leggett asked if anyone sees a beagle running loose near the Algonquin Mill, to call his office to report it. He advised there is a Weimaraner that is running loose between Carrollton and Dellroy and two Australian shepherds running on Arrow Road between Carrollton and Minerva.
Leggett would appreciate if anyone who sees these dogs, to call his office to report it.
-HEARD Clerk Melissa Schaar’s report. Schaar stated the next Retire the Tire Event will be held April 29 at county fairgrounds.
-ADVISED Carroll County Jobs and Family Services has shared a post on their Facebook page regarding criminals using phony text messages to obtain EBT card numbers and PINs and steal SNAP benefits. These are known as phishing scams and are a type of fraud. Residents should not provide their EBT card number or PIN by phone, email, or text, and should not click on links provided in emails or text messages.
-APPROVED the application for payment one to S&L Specialty Contracting for $50,900 for the Carroll County Jail Renovation project and authorize the Board President to sign same.
-APPROVED the recommendation of Jennifer Burns, Job and Family Services program administrator, to hire Ashley Mutton as a unit support worker at a rate of $16.73 effective March 27. Burns advised this position is being filled due to a retirement.
-APPROVED a notice of award and notice to proceed for the Golden Age Retreat Fire Alarm System Replacement, project retroactive to March 6.
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