330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Thomas Clapper
CCM Reporter
Malvern Village Council discussed the return of the Malvern Farmers Market at its Jan. 17 meeting.
Jan Oprean of SwiftFields was not able to attend the meeting but wrote a detailed e-mail regarding her plans to once again takeover the market. Fiscal Officer Ashley Neading read the email to council which included an agreement that will be given to council and also what vendors will receive.
The plan is to reach out to additional vendors and charge $10 a week to set up or $100 for the whole duration which is planned to be on Wednesdays, from June 26-Oct. 16, 3:30-7 p.m. It will be set up in the same area as before. There will be produce, meats, artisan breads, sweets, crafts, jewelry and more. Each vendor would sign an agreement and Oprean said she will handle all of the paperwork.
In the email Oprean asked if the village would allow the use of a pavilion for bad weather. Council discussed and said they would allow it only if the pavilion is not rented for that particular day.
Council was in favor of the idea but would like to run it by Solicitor Chad Murdock since there will be a fee for vendors. Murdock asked if council is OK with it, and they said yes. He will investigate the legality of the situation to cover the bases.
In other business, council:
-HEARD Village Administrator Derik Kaltenbaugh report the light pole and downtown lights have been fixed, but the old lights are not nearly as bright and he plans to fix those whenever new lights come. It may not be until June. He reported he plans to buy an additional back up light pole just in case it is needed and council said it was a good idea. Kaltenbaugh also noted the branch is off the park lights and the village is responsible, not AEP. They will get them fixed.
-HEARD the two state bridges in town passed inspection.
-MET in executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss the employment of a public employee. There was no action taken following a return to regular session.
-PAID village bills of $25,336.96 pre-approved by the finance committee on Jan. 17, also $10,257.47 in payroll pre-approved by the Finance Committee and paid Jan. 18.
The next regular council meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 5, at 7 p.m. in Malvern village hall.
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