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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
A number of Buckeye Career Center students advance to their respective career-technical student organization’s state competition in the coming weeks. All regional competitions were held remotely.
HOSA Future Health Professionals members qualifying for the state competition to be held virtually April 12-15 include: Myra Davis (Carrollton), first place in Medical Spelling; Kylie Ferguson (Conotton Valley), third place in Life Support Skills; Victoria Frazee (Carrollton), fourth in Dental Terminology and Colette Brown (Conotton Valley) fourth in Medical Reading.
SkillsUSA members who qualified for the state SkillsUSA competition to be held virtually and in person throughout the months of March and April include silver medal winner Mason Stackhouse (Carrollton) in Automotive Refinishing Technology.
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