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Groundbreaking expected July 6
By Jacquie Humphrey
CCM Correspondent
A new bid package for the proposed Rocket Center was reviewed and approved during the June meeting of the Conotton Valley Board of Education.
After approving a project total of $24,172,755 in March, the board agreed at the April meeting to scale down the project, due to financial concerns over a possible reduction in Rover tax funding and the undetermined economical impact of COVID-19.
Declaring an urgent necessity and waiving competitive bidding, the board approved a new package in the amount of $18,849,345 during the June meeting.
The new plans have removal of the swimming pools only. Superintendent Todd Herman says he expects ground to be broken for the project by July 6.
The board approved two now and then purchase orders to Holabird and Root, one in the amount of $187,800 and one in the amount of $36,200 for changes in plans for Rocket Center.
In other discussion, Herman reported he and his staff are working aggressively to establish a plan for the beginning of the 2020-21 school year and plan to meet with the Carroll County Health Department soon.
Herman said there are presently three possibilities of how school may roll out this fall, the first being the students return to the classroom, keeping things as normal as possible, but adding required cleaning and safety measures.
The second option may be a hybrid program where students would attend school four days per week, two of the days in the classroom and 2 in gymnasiums to work at their studies online, with staff support. This would help alleviate some of the pressure for parents.
The third option would be to have kids working 100% online, as they did for the balance of the 2019-20 school year. Herman said that although all schools are unsure at this time how requirements will be rolled out, he is determined that Conotton “will be prepared”.
In other matters, the board:
-APPROVED expenditures totaling $1,117,651.64. Balances were reported at $7,064,441.97 in Unified Bank and $1,054,392.76 in Star Ohio. The balance of the Star Construction fund was reported at $5,082,446.33 with $17,255,650.36 in the US Bank Account.
-ACCEPTED the resignation of Ashlee Slutz as a full-time bus driver, effective at the completion of her 2019-20 contract.
-HIRED Don Hertler Jr. as Assistant Athletic Director, effective June 8 through August 10, 2020, at a rate of $20 per hour, on an as needed basis.
-APPROVED supplemental contracts for the 2020-21 school year as follows: Kris Nign, JV football coach at a stipend of $3,018.48; Mike Palmer, assistant varsity football coach, $3,018.48; Keith Imes, volunteer varsity football coach; Rhett Peters, volunteer varsity football coach; Matt Grezlik, junior high football coach, $2,641.17; Grant Provance, junior high football coach, $2,452.52, Adam Reardon as a volunteer junior high football coach, Chelsey Edwards, high school cheerleading football and basketball coach, $2,829.83 for each; Beth White, junior high cheerleading coach for football and basketball, $1,509.24 each; Debbie Gooding, varsity cross country coach, $3,773.10; Carly Caldwell, junior high volleyball coach, $2,452.52; Stephanie O’Connor, volunteer varsity golf coach; Kenny Moffat, assistant varsity boys basketball coach, $3,018.48; Jarod Scott, volunteer varsity boys basketball coach; Emily Baker, assistant varsity girls basketball coach, $3,018.48; Brian Baxter, varsity girls bowling coach, $6,414.27; Dennis Gordon, varsity boys bowling coach, $6,414,27; Robyn King, assistant bowling coach, $3,018.48; Jonathan Stuck, head marching band director, $16,978.95; Roby King, assistant marching band director, $4,527.72 and pep band director, $2,263.86.
-APPROVED an agreement with Union Hospital Association to provide a certified athletic trainer at a cost of $30,000, beginning August 1, 2020, through July 31, 2021.
-HIRED Tyler Carrothers as strength & conditioning coach for the 2020-21 school year at a stipend of $6,414.27.
-APPROVED an agreement with East Central Ohio Educational Service Center to provide two periods of American Sign Language via interactive video distance learning for $22,000 for the 2020-21 school year.
-APPROVED an agreement between the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center to provide an ODE certified full-time Spanish instructor for the 2020-21 school year at a cost of $86,548.07.
-APPROVED a proposal from Pleasant Hill Construction for the demolition and construction of a new press box at the football field at a cost of $192,000 with an additional $1,000 for change orders, if needed.
-APPROVED a proposal from Newton Asphalt for approximately 26,990 square feet of work on the parking lot beside the football field, as presented. The proposal includes a cost of $55,140.00 for 2” milling and asphalt paving or $89,830.00 for 4” milling as asphalt paving.
-HIRED Ashlee Slutz as a substitute bus driver and Shanna Burky as the Communications/Multimedia teacher for the 2020-21 school year.
-AUTHORIZED the superintendent to negotiate the purchase of approximately 1.1 acres of real estate at 7193 Cumberland Road SW.
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