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Three parents expressed their views on the Critical Race Theory, masks and final forms to members of the Carrollton Schools board of education last week.
Several parents gathered for the Aug. 10 meeting, held in the high school extended learning center, but only three opted to address the board.
Jamie Matozskia sked the board to stop the Critical Race Theory before it stops.
“I don’t think there’s a place for it in our classrooms,” she told the board. “There is a teacher in the school with a gay pride flag. When I called the school about it, I was told if the school made her take it out, another teacher who has a Navy flag would also have to take out his military flag as well” she said.
Cara Spilker asked the board to ban the Critical Race Theory and all things related to it, saying there is no place in the school for any flags other than the American and Ohio flag.
“Opinions and personal views don’t belong in the classroom,” she said relating to the gay pride flag in one classroom.
“There is no accountability when it comes to teachers in our district,” she stated. “No one is checking on our teachers. When we call in and talk to administrators, it ends there. “We need cameras in the classroom. We need accountability in our district to hold teachers accountable and hold administrators accountable. Cameras in the classroom would do just that.”
Brooke Sprague said there is a place in schools for teaching history, but no place for the Critical Race Theory. It is teaching our kids division. It is teaching the kids of color they are oppressed and the white kids are the oppressors.
Addressing the wearing of masks, Matoskia said she has had a hard time with them, saying they hold moisture and spread germs.
“Why not push kids to boost their immune system?” she asked. “I say, let kids wear them who want to wear them.”
Sprague said kids need to see faces and expressions and do not need their faces covered.
Final forms, the term given to paperwork parents sign at the beginning of each school year, was addressed by all three parents.
The forms were previously sent home in paper form. The district has transitioned to online forms, which parents said force them to opt out of the district’s new tele-health program. The new form required parents to approve enrolling their children in the program or they could not continue with the forms.
“We were told there was a glitch in the system,” Sprague said. “If there was a glitch once, how do I know there won’t be another glitch?”
She asked why the district had a contract with Aultman for a tele-health program and who was paying for it.
“Why do we have to opt out? Why can’t we enroll out students if we want them in the program?” she asked.
Prior to hearing from the parents, Board President Rose Seck said the board’s policy is to listen to the concerns of parents and not engage in conversation.
Member Wendy Gotschall assured the parents she heard their concerns, took lots of notes and the board would discuss the concerns.
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