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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Dear Class of 2020,
Forrest Gump, one of my favorite characters ever, said that “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get.”
But you already knew that, didn’t you? Many of you were born into chaos during another of America’s most challenging times – the year of 9/11. And now, here you are again. No one could have ever predicted the path that your senior year would take.
I would not presume to think that I could replace all of the events, honors and celebrations that you worked so hard for and deserve – and yet did not receive. But what I can do is take the time to thank and honor you for your outstanding contributions both to our school and our community.
Throughout the years, your support of Akron Children’s Hospital has been nothing short of sensational – and the 2019-2020 school year was no exception.
FFA organized a Penny Stall and a Euchre Tournament/Square Dance, which combined raised over $2,000. CHS Club sponsored Clash of the Classes, Hat Day and Teacher Jeans Day, raising $814.16. That’s over $3,000 to the children of Akron Children’s Hospital on behalf of CHS.
Our donations to Akron Children’s were not just monetary donations. Students belonging to Youth2Youth sold Candy Grams for Valentine’s Day and raised money to buy 45 pajamas, robes and slippers. These items were donated to “Love for Lexi,” for a little girl who wanted to celebrate her 5th birthday by giving new pajamas to fellow cancer patients at Akron Children’s. Youth2Youth hosted its 7th annual “Teddy Bear Toss” at halftime of the Minerva vs. Carrollton Varsity Basketball game. The result was that 90 stuffed animals were delivered to Akron Children’s.
Christmas always seems to bring out the very best in all of us. It’s a time that we work together as students and staff for those in need in our community. National Honor Society and Caring Helping Sharing Club students took all shifts for ringing the Salvation Army Bell at Tractor Supply during the Carroll County Red Kettle Campaign.
Spanish and French students collected and bagged 250 bags of candy – one for each child in the Community Christmas Program. Girls’ Varsity and Junior Varsity Basketball Team members donated their own money and bought gifts for three individuals. Donations from Student Council, Teacher Jeans Days and Texas Roadhouse Peanut Sales at Varsity Football Games enabled CHS Club to buy Christmas gifts for 26 children in our community. Add to that the three students who CMS Student Council bought gifts for and that’s a total of 32 kids in our community who had a brighter holiday because of the compassion and generosity of CHS-CMS students and staff.
Each week a dedicated group of Caring Helping Sharing Club volunteers stayed after school and bagged approximately 240 bags of food for students of all ages throughout the district for the Weekend Backpack Program. These volunteers included both middle and high school students. Several seniors were deeply committed to this program, never missing even one week of service. And there were two senior boys who packed faithfully all four years.
Two senior girls proposed bi-weekly visits to the Golden Age Retreat to play cards and chat with senior citizens. This project was an overwhelming success and proved to be just as enjoyable for the students as it was for the residents.
The one event that best describes you as a class and us as a school was the Powder Puff Football Game. We all came together as a family.
It all started when our district beat Canton Central Catholic in the Goodwill Drive to Victory. Parents, teachers and students filled the truck, and together we won $250 for the Jacob Baker Fundraiser. And that was only the beginning…
Then there was the Powder Puff Game itself. There were the girls who organized and played the game, the guys who coached and cheered for them, the administrators who refereed, all those who designed and sold Powder Puff team shirts as well as “Carrollton Rocks So Jake Can Roll” tee shirts, the Athletic Boosters who donated and helped with Concessions, those who organized, donated, bought and sold tickets for raffle baskets and 50/50 tickets, and those who announced, participated and attended.
If you were involved with this in any way, then you know – It was magical. It was inspirational. It was phenomenal.
The goal had been $7,000 for a new racing wheelchair for Jacob Baker. We not only met that goal- we doubled it!!!! I don’t know about you, but I have never been prouder to call myself a “Warrior.”
And so, dear class of 2020, I thank you for your courage, your strength and your flexibility throughout this difficult time, and for all the sacrifices that you have made.
But above all, I thank you for all that you have done to make this school, this community and this world a better place.
Just remember this… there are still a lot more chocolates left to taste – so enjoy!
Best of luck and God Bless!
Mrs. Mach
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