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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
The congregation of the North Suburban Church of Christ in Carrollton welcomed Brother Collin Pinkston as its pastor July 16.
Pinkston and his wife, Christine, moved from Tennessee to serve as the pulpit minister,
The new minister and his wife are originally from middle Michigan and have served congregations in Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio and biker church in Wisconsin, bringing with them many good memories.
Brother Collin began his ministry training at various colleges in Tennessee and one at Cedar Rapids, IA. He earned a doctorate degree in Theology with minors in Christian Psychology and Anthropology.
It is the hope of the Pinkstons, along with the congregation of the North Suburban Church, they can help others in their spiritual maturity, their journey and their success in making heaven their eternal home.
The church strives to teach and adhere to the first century scriptural principles regarding the New Testament Church.
“That is why we sing as a congregation, spiritual songs without instrumental music, observe the Lord’s Supper of the first day of the week and the other three elements of worship solely as the scriptures teach us,” said Brother Collin. “We strive to please our Lord and not practice the traditions of man-made creeds. Our creed is only the Bible, living out of love and deep humility in respect to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ His Church.”
The congregation meets at 1067 North Lisbon St., Carrollton, Sunday at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. with Bible study Sunday at 10 a.m. and Wednesday at 6 p.m.
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