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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
The Minerva Board of Education (BOE) reached tentative agreements with both the Minerva Local Education Association (MLEA) and the Minerva Local Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE).
The Minerva BOE approved the agreement at the Oct. 9 meeting in the Minerva High School Library.
The BOE and MLEA mutually agreed to reopen negotiations and to follow an Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) format. Successful IBB works when both parties have a trusting and collaborative relationship. The agreement remains the same for the current year and provides three percent increases for the 2021-2024 school years. Health insurance premiums will increase to 18 percent from 15 percent by the end of the agreement.
“This was a win-win for our school district, parents, the community, staff and especially our students,” said Stuart Grunder, MLEA president. “The Board and the MLEA are committed to working collaboratively to address the needs of our schools and this agreement allows all of us to focus on helping the children of this community especially during this challenging time of the pandemic.”
The BOE and OAPSE also mutually agreed to three percent increases for the 2021-2023 school years. Superintendent Gary Chaddock stated, “Both contract agreements show the commitment of the board to hire high performing staff while also being fiscally responsible and keeping the district solvent in the future. The district is very grateful for the hard work and professionalism of everyone involved in this.”
In other business, the board:
-HEARD an update about COVID-19 measures and recent activity.
-LEARNED from Becky Miller, curriculum director, the Ohio Department of Education released school report cards. They are very limited and do not have an actual grade on them.
-APPROVED Sunday participation for high and middle school cheerleaders for the year and Sunday participation by the middle school cross country team at the state championship Oct. 25.
-APPROVED an adjustment to the substitute pay schedule for the current year.
-APPROVED an interagency agreement with the Carroll Board of Developmental Disabilities for the current school year.
-APPROVED the following tutors for 2020-2021 school year: Lisa Cargill, Kim Davis, Melissa Ronches and Jacalyn Woods.
-APPROVED College Credit Plus stipends for the current school year for Mary Grunder and Jason Mikes.
-APPROVED a one-year, limited contract effective Oct. 5 for Heather Jakacki, 2.5-hour cafeteria worker and for Samantha Snode, 2.5 hour aide, which was effective Sept. 28. The hiring replaces the per hour as needed aide position.
-APPROVED the following supplemental contracts for the 2020-2021 school year: Leo Saniuk, Neil Cowden and Anthony Hilliard, assistant wrestling (full), Kyle Lucas, assistant wrestling (half) and Chad Hillard, head wrestling coach; Shawn Green, head boys basketball coach, and Scott Cassidy, Scott Loudon, Richard Hart, Scott Russell and Bruce Wright, assistant boys basketball (full); Josh Morckel, head girls basketball coach, and Sean Kocher and Fred Bigham, assistant girls basketball (full);Arin Rettig and Evan Crawford, assistant cross country (1/2 to full) and Nick Apisa and Mike DiRocco, assistant girls coach (full); Nick Embrogno, boys bowling coach and Karlee Dittmer, girls bowling coach.
-ACCEPTED the resignation of Bill Richeson, bowling coach, eff. Oct. 19.
-APPROVED Rob Yeagley, boys basketball volunteer for 2020-2021 school year.
-APPROVED expenditures for September in the amount of $1,938,579.16. The transfer of funds from General Fund to District Managed Student Activities in the amount of $100,0000 was approved as well as, an advance from General Fund to the Bond Fund of $260,000. The advance is to be repaid as future real estate receipts are received.
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