McCook House Christmas features trees, historical walk this weekend

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Submitted Photo Cub Scouts Pack 141 members (from left) Oliver Clemens, Julia Gardner, Aedan Wilson and Will Dodds (back) are shown with the tree the group decorated at the McCook House.

The McCook House Museum will be open this weekend to showcase the historic home and an array of Christmas trees. 

Twenty local groups and families decorated trees for viewing Dec. 6  and 7 from 1 to 8 p.m. both days. 

Participants who decorated trees include the Suburban Garden Club, Carrollton Garden Club, Lucky Stars 4-H Club, Stillfork 4-H Club, Cub Scouts Pack 141, Boy Scouts Troop 141, Becknell family, Harter family, Saltsman family, Carroll Hills School and the Carroll County Dairy Promotion Board. 

The Carrollton Garden Club volunteers each year to hang the greens and the seasonal bows throughout the House. On Dec. 6 at 7 p.m., local historian John Rutledge is leading a Moonlit Walk downtown. The tour differs from year to year. The Museum has a Corner Gift Shop that is stocked with Algonquin Mill items.

No admission fee will be charged and refreshments are complimentary.

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