330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Carroll County Animal Protection League’s officers, board of directors and awesome members, we wish to thank all the 117 attendees, the following individuals and businesses for their great silent auction items and their monetary sponsorships for our 14th annual Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction, held Nov. 9 at the Minerva Community Building.
We raised more than $14,000 to be applied to the cost of $70,000 for the fencing, gates posts and hardware needed around the shelter in different areas and various dog runs for safety reasons, to be installed this November.
Plus, a huge thank you to all who sold and purchased tickets for our event.
We also want to thank Ulmon’s Bakery of Carrollton for donating 1/2 of the 23 pies for the desserts and the 23 centerpieces donated by Amanda White of “Paupers Treasurers” of Scio, our guest speaker, Ruta Mazelis, MMC Equine Massage specialist, for a great presentation and Cindy Palati for donating $200 of her 50/50 ticket winnings back to us of the $408.00 tickets sold!
Contributing sponsorships, silent auction items and extra donations:
Carrollton – Sanders Market, Tom & Wendy Willey, McBane Insurance, Fred & Eileen Rohrer, Advanced Auto Parts, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Auto Zone, H&M Tire Company, Denny & Pat Roudebush, Bud’s Farm Toys, Clark & Debbie Herrington, Anonymous donor, Lumber Service, Inc., Jeff & Shelley Albaugh, John & Melanie Campbell, Dick Jacobs, Bill Jacobs, The Lighthouse, Rita Travis, Pam Travis, Bill & Valorie Wohlwend, “Hope” the Doodle Girl Dog, Rosalee Davis, Clark & Debbie Herrington, M&M Tobacco, LLC, Paw Palace Boarding & Grooming, LLC., The Shoppes on Second, Consumer’s National Bank, Ed & JoAnn Hilliard, Kim Mills, Myers Tin Shop, Raven & Wolf Crystal Shop, Farmer’s Exchange, Modern Auto Parts, Paperworks & More, Betty Kaye Bakery, Crossroads Pizza, Heartland Hills Restaurant, The Chop House, Pizza Hut, Virginia Restaurant, Warrior Station Nutrition, Kessler’s Pizza, Painted Crow Tattoo, Carrollton Chiropractic Center, Buds Flowers & Gifts, The Ohio Grille, Free Press Standard, Manfull’s Orchard, Carroll County Messenger, A New Creation, Carrollton Vape Shop, Carroll County Flowers, Carroll County Coffee Co., & Walters’s Barber Shop, Jack & Shelly Albrecht.
Malvern- Tom and Flo Furey, Sandy Schmucker, Mark & Cathy Cawthorne; Crowl Lumber Co. Inc., Crowl Interiors & Furniture, Sonny & Lorna-Lowell Whaley, William & Julieann Farber, Ray & Sharon Morgenstern, Sheila Sheppler, Sheckler Excavating, Inc., Fox Auto Salvage & Parts, Inc., Bill & Juliann Farber, Dark Meadows Vet Services dba Minerva Veterinarian Clinic, Dr. Steve Hindman & Dr. Carol Naculich. Lori Waibel, the late Peggy Jocek, BingBong Ink.
Minerva – Tropical Paradise Pet Shop, Daystar/Kohmann Motors, Gordon’s Furniture, Rae’s Jewelry, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Auto Zone, Crossroads Pizza, Gordon’s Furniture, Susan Chaddock & Clark, Clark & Chaddock, Attorneys, Pat Richardson, Ruth Whiteleather-Orrell, Art on 30 Gallery, Hart Mansion, John’s Bakery & Café, Grinder’s Above & Beyond.
Alliance – Linda Jordon, Internal Medicine Physicians- Criss Kubankin, Que Pasa, Normandy Inn, Walker’s Café and The Clever & Cookie Creamery.
Other locations: Jean Hanenkrat & Patty Brinkley, Marci McLaughlin, Chris & Michelle Baum, My Pink Truck-Billie Huth, Vivian Jury, Constance Buchheit, Sparky’s Welding LLC, Red Star Veterinary Clinic, Mary Lou Godsey, Lisa Sheppler, Dan & Patti McGuire, Sherman & Pat Oyer, Wynn & Su Arnold, Greg & Valorie Herman, Mona Jean Smith-Middleton, Robin Nuccio, Sara Underwood, Matt & Erica Zeedyk family, Ed & Vickie Vincent, Ann Mauch, Joanne Landor, Theresa Knapik, Shelly Cross & Tisa Minor and Valley Harley Davidson Shop.
We thank our hard-working committee volunteers and members for their help in organizing this huge event, collecting silent auction items, sponsorships and selling and buying tickets.
We will continue with our interior and exterior construction of our no-kill animal shelter located at 4901 Canton Rd. NW, Carrollton, as funding is raised.
We have raised the 1.1 million dollars we invested in our animal shelter without any funding from the county or the state, but solely through memberships, grants, endowment gifts, gifts of wills, and our special events and fundraising efforts since 2007. We put the “shell” of the shelter up June of 2015. We gave ourselves 10 years to complete it and open it. We are hoping to finish our shelter and open in the summer of 2025 if more funding is reached for this goal.
Any and all donations are welcome and appreciated to help us keep going!
Eileen Rohrer, founder and president
Carroll County Animal Protection League
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