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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Thomas Clapper
CCM Reporter
Mayor William Stoneman announced during the Sept. 25 council meeting, an investigation was conducted which determined there is no need for disciplinary action of a public employee.
Prior to the Sept. 11 meeting, The Carroll County Messenger received an unsigned letter in the mail, which was addressed to the mayor and council members alleging, illegal actions on the part of a village employee.
“We took these allegations very seriously,” said Stoneman. “We did not sweep this under the rug. We had an internal investigation by Clemens-Nelson & Associates and they interviewed people and determined there is no need for disciplinary action.”
Former Carrollton PD officer Lionel Woods attended the meeting and wanted to make it clear that he did not write the letter.
“I have heard a lot of people think I wrote this letter,” said Woods. “I did not write the letter, if I wrote it, I would have put my name on it.”
Woods then said he was never interviewed in the investigation and knows some of the allegations are true inside the letter but provided no specific allegations.
He suggested council investigate the allegations more thoroughly. He stated he is not disgruntled but has witnessed certain things.
Unrelated but discussed at the same executive session, council discussed and, after the session, approved a new two-year contract for Village Administrator Mark Wells through February 2024. No details are available at this time because the new contract is not drawn up yet.
In other business, council:
-APPROVED 2023-37 amending section 379.04, sub-sections (a) and (b) and repealing Section 379.04, sub-section (d) of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Carrollton, to modify the inspection of golf carts. This allows Carrollton PD to do the golf cart inspections. If golf carts are not inspected in the village, drivers will still be required to bring the inspection sheet from the inspecting entity. Councilwoman Wilma Lambert voted no.
-HEARD Derik Kaltenbaugh of the Water Dept. gave a report and said 99% of the leaks will be toilets. He recommended checking the water meter because it will tell if too much is getting used. He agrees that putting the addresses of those with high usage on the website is the best option to help make people aware that their home may be using more water than expected.
-APPROVED a three percent elected officials raise yearly as long as budget allows. This would be 2024-2033 for newly elected officials to catch up to the others.
-APPROVED to put 1 million dollars into a CD for 5% growth at Wayne Savings Community Bank. Councilwoman Brittany Tangler said the other banks have money from the village in a CD and it would be fair to do this to the new bank. Councilman Chris Barto voted no.
-APPROVED a motion by Tangler to send exit surveys to the last five employees who left their jobs. Tangler said it is to see how they can help to improve things to make people want to stay. Councilman Corey Yeager voted no.
The next meeting will be held Oct. 9, 7 p.m.
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