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By Leigh Ann Rutledge
CCM Reporter
The Carroll County General Health District (Health District) will begin negotiations to sell property, enforce an order issued by the board and institute new septage regulations.
The board met April 20 and approved a resolution allowing Kelly Engelhart, health commissioner, to sell and negotiate proceeds from the sale with the Carroll County Commissioners for property located at 24 2nd St. NE, Carrollton.
The building formerly housed the health district prior to moving to the current location. The Carroll County Genealogical Society is currently housed in the building. The remainder of the space is used for health district storage of supplies and records. The society is looking to relocate to the Carroll County District Library.
There are a lot of records, etc. stored at the 2nd St. location and Engelhart said personnel will sort through them following the records retention policy.
Engelhart noted the facility needs repairs but said Realtor Bill Newell was impressed with the integrity of the structure, which is designed for commercial use.
At the present time, the structure is appraised at $97,000. Newell is doing a new appraisal.
Engelhart would like to have a line listing created in the department budget for capital improvements.
With proceeds from the sale of the building, Engelhart would like to build a 20×30’ garage on the Moody Ave. property. This would house a trailer and be used for storage. She has a quote for $32,000 to construct the garage with two garage doors, a man door and cement by Miller’s Rolling Acres Metals. Electrical work is not included.
In an unrelated matter, the board approved a Board of Health Order to David Haag and Beverly Snider, property owners of 3081 Apollo Rd. NE, Mechanicstown, for abatement of a solid waste public nuisance. The health district has received 11 complaints since January 2022 regarding the property. Pictures showed bags of trash, furniture, a mattress and refrigerator in the yard. Haag, the tenant, has been given a warning to address the situation since February when the initial inspection was conducted. An Environmental Health Specialist Order was sent March 25 and a re-inspection done April 15. A roll-off has been brought to the property but no solid waste has been removed from the site.
The order gives Snider and Haag 30 days to remove the solid waste. If they do not comply, the matter will be turned over to the Carroll County Prosecutor’s office.
The third reading of the resolution for Regulations for authorization of Septage Land Application, Septic Permit Process and Registration and the establishment of new Sewage Program license fees for new services was approved.
Courtney Grossman, director of environmental health, announced the health district has received authority to regulate Small Flow On-Site Sewage Treatment Systems (SFOSTS). The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had regulatory authority.
The board reorganizes following the District Advisory Council meeting, which was held March 26. Board members Dr. W. Scott Stine and Susan McMillen were reelected president and vice president. Committee appointments remained the same. Stine, Bernie Heffelbower and Tom White, finance; and Stine, McMillen and Wendy Wiley, personnel.
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