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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Carol McIntire, Editor
The Carroll County Board of Health is recommending people in all essential businesses in the county who come in contact with the public, especially those in food service establishments, wear masks.
The recommendation follows guidelines set forth by Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health and was approved during the April 15 meeting.
“COVID 19 spreads primarily by respiratory airborne droplets and may also spread by these droplets going onto surfaces,” said President Dr. W. Scott Stine. “It may be spread before symptoms occur in the infected person. Wearing a mask reduces the probability of droplet spread. We recommend masks be worn in the workplace where people are in close proximity with others, and in the food service industry where food is being prepared.”
The recommendation led to a discussion on the availability of masks.
Stine noted surgical masks are not required, cloth masks are sufficient and he is seeing “lots and lots of them.”
“That is what they are wearing in our office,” Stine said, adding many people are making and selling them for $5. “You take it home, wash it, steam iron it and use it again.”
Kelly Engelhart, health district director of nursing who attended the meeting via telephone, said she believes the general public will be wearing masks in the next couple weeks.
“It’s important to wear a mask so employees don’t bring the virus into health care facilities,” she noted.
Engelhart suggested the department put out an alert to the general public stating the health department will be a distribution point for anyone who wishes to make and donate masks. The department would then distribute them to the general public.
Letters will be mailed to all essential businesses in the county to make them aware of the board’s action and asking that they follow the recommendation.
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