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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Carol McIntire
Administrative roles at Carrollton high school and middle school are reverting to a more traditional form.
When school resumes in August for the 2023-2024 school year, there will a principal and assistant principal at both Carrollton High School and Carrollton Middle School.
The hiring of Dave Davis as superintendent left his former position of principal of the high school/middle school open.
During the April 11 meeting of the Carrollton Schools Board of Education meeting, the board approved hiring a principal for both schools.
Jason Eddy was hired as high school principal and Tim Albrecht as middle school principal on three-year contracts.
“We’re moving back to the traditional system of having a principal and assistant principal for both schools,” Davis told The Messenger. “Traditionally that is way the Carrollton and all other area schools were operated. Under the former administration, when the new school was built Dr. Quattrochi (Dave) came to me with the idea of having one principal for both schools and an assistant so that is what we went with.”
Davis said he feels the best fit for the district is to revert to the former system, noting he expects assistant principals to be hired at the May 9 school board meeting along with contract and salary schedule approval for Eddy and Albrecht. Eddy’s resignation as athletic director and Albrecht’s as assistant principal for grades 6-12 were approved during the April meeting. Both are effective July 31. They will assume their new duties in August.
Davis said he also expects an athletic director to be hired at the May meeting. Interviews were held last week. Both applicants are presently employed in the district.
The board also approved three-year contracts for Tricia Green, special services director; Rusty Grubbs, maintenance supervisor; Amanda Mills, school psychologist; and Matthew Nicholas, elementary principal, during the April meeting.
In an unrelated matter, Assistant Superintendent Andy Reeves advised members a meeting is scheduled with state officials to review bids for the new elementary building and a groundbreaking ceremony will be scheduled for mid-to-late May or in June.
In other business, the board:
-LEARNED from Davis the district negotiated a lease with Aultman Hospital for the use of the clinic space that is under construction. The fee for the first year is $20,000.
-HEARD Davis express appreciation to the OAPSE and CEA unions for their understanding and cooperation in making some needed changes. “They’ve been a great help!” he told the board.
-APPROVED an overnight trip to the Ohio State Fairgrounds May 3 for the Carrollton FFA to attend the state convention.
-APPROVED the summer program certificated staff rate of pay at $30 per hours for the period of June 1 through Aug. 11.
-APPROVED the budget for Summer Warrior Academy 2022-2023 and Warrior Camp STEM Edition 2023.
-AGREED to offer student insurance through Guarantee Life Insurance Company for the 2023-2024 school year.
-APPROVED contracts for certificated and classified staff and issued salary notices for those on multi-year contracts which do not expire this year or who are on continuing contracts. The certificated contract for Craig Brooks was pulled for separate voting due to a family relationship with Board Member Steven Pridemore. Pridemore then abstained from voting on the contract. The classified contracts of Barbara Peterson, Diana Sheldon and Matthew Sheldon were pulled due to a family relationship with Rose Seck, who abstained from voting on the contracts.
-AGREED to participate in the Ohio School Boards Association /Ohio Association of School Business Officials Ohio SchoolComp Group Rating program administered by Sedgwick for the 2024 policy year with claim services beginning Sept. 1. The annual fee is $3,520 with an estimated savings of $6,830.
-HIRED Susan Incerpi as the high school boys volleyball coach and non-renewed all supplemental contacts for the 2022-2023 school year.
-ACCEPTED the resignations of Dana Bright, cook, effective March 31, Courtney Dray and Jackie Howell, academic support teachers, effective Aug. 4, Pam Berardinelli, classified employee, effective April 18 and Kevin Walters, assistant band director, effective Aug. 4.
-HIRED Thomas Ferrell and April Rogers as classified employees effective April 12.
-APPROVED unpaid leaves of absence for Jabin Spencer and Tracey Swearingen.
-SCHEDULED the next meeting May 9 at 5 p.m. in the CHS extended learning space.
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