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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Thomas Clapper
CCM Reporter
Dr. Walter Scott Stine has retired after 37 years of being a physician in Carrollton and over 43 years as a physician after completing his residency in family medicine at the former Andrews Airforce Base. He is ready to enjoy the community that he has served for nearly four decades.
“The best thing about life here in Carrollton is it has been a wonderful place to live,” said Stine. “We feel so blessed coming here. It is a wonderful community; we owe the community a lot and feel it is a wonderful place to bring up your children. I was a country boy from the get-go and a big city is not where I wanted to be.”
Stine was born in Ohio Valley Hospital in Steubenville in 1951, and grew up in Richmond, Ohio.
“I lived in the same home growing up and I was the third of four children,” said Stine. “My mother was a schoolteacher, and my father was an auto electrician at Tobin Auto Electric.”
Stine attended Jefferson Union High School outside Richmond. He stated he was fortunate enough to be appointed by Congressional Appointment to the United States Air Force Academy in 1969 after graduating from high school. He attended the Colorado Airforce Academy from1969-1973. During the summer when school was out, he was in basic training.
“I had a cousin in the U.S. Air Force and I always longed to fly,” said Stine. “Although I never actually flew until I was on my way to basic training.”
It was during this time when Stine had a correspondence and later, a relationship with Brenda Davis, whom he went to high school with.
“We were friends in high school and in youth group together,” said Stine. “She actually dated my best friend as a senior, but they broke up after graduating and we kept up with correspondence and I would visit her on leave. We were married in 1973.”
Stine said four years of college at the Air Force Academy and basic training was definitely a growing up experience.
“One of the saving graces was the beauty of the academy and the surrounding area,” said Stine. “It was wonderful to see the range of the Rocky Mountains and Pike’s Peak just being outside. It was a good experience, I went thinking I would be an aeronautical enginee but halfway through my freshman year I came to the conclusion that to best serve mankind was to be a physician.”
Stine was a life science major and at the end of 4 years was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and accepted to medical school at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C. He attended from 1973-77.
“One highlight is I was fortunate enough to be at the parachute academy and I instructed parachute classes at the academy,” said Stine. “The George Washington University was a four-year school and in the summer, I had to go to the former Andrews Airforce Base for medical students. I only had 30 days of leave.”
Upon graduation in Washington, D.C., Stine applied and was accepted into Residency Training in Family Medicine at the formerBase. This was a 3-year program and Stine was there from 1977-80. He was also promoted to Captain in the Air Force.
Graduation from his residency training program made Stine a certified family physician. For his schooling he owed several years of service to the Air Force so he was sent to Fairchild Airforce Base near Spokane, Washington.
“Fairchild Airforce Base near Spokane, Washington was my first duty assignment in residency,” said Stine. “I spent three years in the area as a family medicine physician for active-duty people and dependents. Retirees and dependents were also eligible for care.”
Stine served in Washington State from 1980-83 and was assigned to Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska for 3 years, from 1983-86.
In 1986 his military service was up and Stine and his wife, Brenda decided to be closer to home near Richmond, OH.
“I searched for physician openings around the area,” said Stine. “I knew a little bit about Carrollton because when growing up I had some family there. I found Mercy Healthcare Center who was looking for physicians and they had a program Ohio Health Associates. Basically they wanted primary physicians in satellite locations that are still connected to Mercy in Canton. I ended up joining them and came to Carrollton. Carrollton was close to home and seemed like a nice situation and good place to be. It certainly has been.”
Stine started practicing in 1986 in Carrollton and started his solo practice in 1988 when Ohio Health Associates ceased support. Dr. Mandal Haas went into Stine’s residency program, and they managed each other’s practices. Both sold to Aultman Medical Group for the last 10 years.
Stine recalled he and his wife bought a house they have not yet seen. Ther first week in town the family went to the nearest Methodist Church.
“Through the years, when I came to Carrollton I joined the Rotary Club, I think it was Tom Atchison who recruited me,” said Stine. “I was also recruited to the Health Board where I remain a member. I have been involved in church activities, youth fellowship, charter in One Way Youth Ministry, active in Sunday School, small group studies, Friday morning studies, meets with Appalachian Mountain dulcimer group, singing in church choir, golf’s in Tuesday evening golf and more.
In his retirement, Stine hopes to golf more and would like to go canoeing and kayaking more often. He would also like to visit his children and grandchildren more often. Stine has three children, David of Leesburg, VA, Emily of Medina, OH, and Bethany who has recently moved back to the Carrollton area and grandchildren. He hopes to visit Brenda’s siblings as well.
“A lot of comments I have been receiving is that I am the only doctor they have ever known,” said Stine. “Some I have seen my entire time in Carrollton, for 37 years or so. It is hard to give that up. I am most thankful for the friendships we have with people and the close relationships we have formed over the years. I feel so indebted to the community for all that they have done for me and my family. I want to give a big thank you to the community, it has been a wonderful community. How blessed we have been, and we look forward to being a part of the community in retirement.
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