Dellroy church hosting three Holy Week services

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With a passionate desire to share and tell the miraculous story of Easter, the congregation of Christ Community Church in Dellroy is preparing three very special Holy Week services.
Following the last week of Jesus’ life here on earth, it will share the story through acting, singing, dancing, lighting, sound effects and powerful narration.
PALM SUNDAY (April 2, at 10 a.m.). With great celebration, Jesus triumphantly rides into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. The multitude gathers to welcome Him singing “Hosannah” as our children carry banners and dance with joy. This service marks the beginning of His Passion, His time of suffering, death and resurrection. Today, they hail Him as King. In a few days, they will be screaming, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”
THURSDAY SERVICE (April 6th at 7 p.m.). As we continue the story, Jesus is now back in Jerusalem to share the last supper with His disciples. Narrators vividly lead us through the garden, His betrayal and arrest. Falsely accused, we follow Jesus through His conviction, trials and crucifixion. We listen intently as He utters His last words from the cross and dies. With Him laid in a borrowed tomb and the stone rolled into place, the disciples hide away fearing they will meet the same end. Jesus is dead and they are forced to accept it.
EASTER SUNDAY (April 9, 10 a.m.) Jesus had been dead for three long days. We will consider how hopeless the disciples must have felt that first Easter morning.
Then, through an amazing dramatic portrayal, the stone rolls away and we rejoice in the victorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Jesus has conquered death, hell and the grave! What a glorious celebration! The true gift of Easter is that sin, sickness, suffering, death and disease do not hold the final answer. Through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, we have the hope of eternal life with Him because of His great love and sacrifice. Share in the significance of this most holy of weeks in a memorable and teachable way. If you desire to learn more about this amazing truth that offers life and hope, bring your children, your grandchildren, invite your friends and neighbors.
The church looks forward to seeing everyone for these special services on April 2, April 6, and April 9 at Christ Community Church, 20 East Main Street in Dellroy. See for more information. To God be the Glory!

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