330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Carol McIntire
COVID-19 testing is now available at the Carroll County General Health District.
Kelly Engelhart, director of nursing, informed county commissioners June 4 there will be two forms of testing: oral swab, used for diagnostic purposes for people showing symptoms; and serum-blood pathogen testing with LabCorp, which will test persons who believe they had the virus for antibodies before testing was available.
Diagnostic testing will be provided with a doctor’s order or the medical director can provide an order. Testing will be conducted Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The antibody testing will be conducted Wednesday mornings by appointment and will provide information on the prevalence of the virus in the county.
The department will bill the individual’s insurance company for the test, or if insurance is not available, the department hopes to cover the cost through one of the department’s COVID-19 grants.
The department has a limited supply of nasal swab kits.
For additional information, call the health district at 330-627-4866.
The number of COVID-19 cases increased three cases from the previous week, to 33 confirmed or probable cases. There are four confirmed cases in the Amish community, which are not confined to one community. Engelhart said there are cases in the Augusta Twp., Perry Township and Loudon Twp. Amish communities.
Department officials continue to monitor individuals possibly exposed to COVID-19.
Eighty of the 102 exposed in long-term care facility settings dropped off last week, Engelhart noted. They are working with a liaison from Holmes County for monitoring in the Amish community.
Ohio State University Wexler Medical Center and OSU Research plan to conduct prevalance testing across the state on a volunteer basis. Engelhart said county residents could receive a postcard in the mail seeking their participation.
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