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Commissioners announce EMA move to county annex building
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By Thomas Clapper
CCM Reporter
Carroll County Commissioners discussed the Annex Building at the May 30 meeting.
It has been determined that the Emergency Management Agency, including Director Tom Cottis and Deputy Director Dustin Lucas, will also move to the new building on Moody Avenue.
“Cottis and Lucas looked at spaces that will be occupied by the EMA,” said Commissioner Robert Wirkner. “They are still designing where they want to put electrical components.”
Commissioners have been renting storage sites for record retention and the annex building will have ample place for storage. Commissioner Donald Leggett II said this will save an estimated $20,000-$30,000 in storage fees.
“The public needs to be aware that what spurred us to look for a building is Job and Family Services needs to expand and there is no room,” said Wirkner. “This being a big move with so many people, I am sure some will not like it, at the end of the day we are responsible for taxpayer dollars and consolidating three buildings into one will help with that. Maintenance costs will go down without the buildings and where they are going will meet their needs.”
In an unrelated matter, after a 21 minute executive session regarding employment of a public employee, commissioners accepted a letter of resignation from Clerk Ronald Nuzzolillo, Jr., effective June 7.
“With regret that Ron has tendered this letter, we now need to take a vote,” said Wirkner. The resignation was accepted.
“Thank you for all you have done last five years, I’m sorry to see you go,” said Commissioner Chris Modranski.
As a result of Nuzzolillo’s resignation, commissioners approved the motion to hire Eva Johnson and Heather Parker, both as part time assistant clerks, both at $14 an hour, and both beginning June 5.
Modranski explained they were going to hire one temporary summer help person, but after Nuzzolillo’s resignation, commissioners decided to hire both Johnson and Parker for the summer while they search for a full-time replacement for Nuzzolillo.
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