330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Effective March 20, 2020: CYA Exchange LLC, dba Carrollton Livestock Auction, is committed to keeping the agricultural industry strong and intends to continue having sales with a few adaptations. We are working closely with the Carroll County Health Department and the Ohio Department of Agriculture to continue operating as part of the food transmission process. If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms of illness, please remain home. We do ask that for the safety of all concerned, please adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth below:
KITCHEN: Becky’s Diner is closed until further notice.
SPECTATORS: No spectators will be allowed on the premises until further notice.
SELLERS/HAULERS: Sellers/haulers dropping off consignments are asked to leave immediately to minimize exposure risk. All checks will be mailed Monday evening after the sale. Anyone wishing to set up ACH/direct deposit (automatically depositing your check into your bank account) that occurs Tuesday at midnight, please email [email protected] or call/text Sarah 330-243-1108 for the ACH form. No checks can be picked up in the office in order to reduce person-to-person contact.
BIDDERS: The Federal Directive suggests limiting gatherings to 10 people and mass gatherings to 50 persons. Bidders are asked to come alone and to not bring children to the sale in order to minimize exposure risk. Bidders who have bought/sold at CYA Exchange since January 1, 2020 do not have to stop into the office prior to the sale. We ask that only new bidders/bidders who have not bought/sold in 2020 stop in the office prior to the sale. Please feel free to wait in your vehicles until the start of your respective sale. There will be no “hanging out” in the office, sale ring, barn, misc, or hay areas.
BUYERS: After the buyer’s final purchase, we ask that they use the south office door to enter the office. Two to three buyers can be in the office at a time. Buyers should exit the office through the north office door, load their purchases, and immediately exit the premises. Anyone wishing to set up ACH/electronic payments can email [email protected] or call/text Sarah 330-243-1108 for the ACH form.
MISC SALES: Misc sales are canceled until further notice.
EGG SALES: Eggs should be dropped off from 7:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. No late consignments will be accepted in order to clear the area prior to the start of the sale. Eggs will sell at 10:00 a.m. outside to the left of the Misc room at the rear of the building, please dress accordingly. After paying for your eggs, they can be picked up one buyer at a time inside the Misc room.
SMALL ANIMAL SALES: Small animals (rabbits, poultry) should be dropped off from 7:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. No late consignments will be accepted in order to clear the area prior to the start of the egg sale. Small animals will sell immediately after the egg sale, outside in front of the pens. Please dress accordingly. After paying for your small animals, please remove your purchases while adhering to the avoidance of close contact set forth by federal guidelines.
HAY SALES: Hay will begin at 12 noon beginning with small squares and moving to large rounds/squares. If you are interested in large rounds, please do not congregate at the small square area and vice versa.
LIVESTOCK SALES: Livestock will continue to start at 1:30 p.m. Please continue to practice social distancing when seated in the sale ring.
Our staff will continue to offer you the same great service. Please keep washing your hands and using the hand sanitizer so that we can get back to a normal schedule sooner rather later. Continue to check our facebook page for the most up-to-date information. As always, if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please call Steve 330-243-6574 or Sarah 330-243-1108; by working together we can get through this!
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