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Contract renewals were among the topics discussed at the Southern Local school board meeting Sept. 15, where pacts were approved for one school administrator and two district staff members.
Officials granted Southern Local Elementary Assistant Principal Emily Brinker a two-year contract after she obtained her administrative license in the midst of her current pact.
“Instead of adjusting her contract in the middle, the board agreed to give her another full year,” said Superintendent Tom Cunningham, adding Brinker’s salary increased from $63,000 to $72,000 to reflect her move from faculty to the administrative pay scale.
Leaders also approved three-year contracts to Julie Dowling and Whitney Tsemilles, who changed positions while working with district Treasurer Greg Sabbato. Sabbato said district Assistant Treasurer Debbie Huff retired and efforts were made to streamline personnel. To that end, Julie Dowling will act as assistant treasurer with Whitney Tsemilles serving as EMIS and payroll coordinator. They did not receive pay increases.
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