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Legal Notices
Defendant Russell Williams, whose last known address was 5255 Fresno Rd. NW, Dellroy, Ohio 44620, will take notice that on October 25, 2022 Plaintiff Johnny R. Zimmerman filed a complaint in the Court of Common Pleas of Carroll County, Ohio, 119 S. Lisbon Street, Suite 400, P.O. Box 367, Carrollton, OH 44615, Case No. 2022CVE30130, alleging that Plaintiff is entitled to foreclose upon its rights on a land installment contract granted by Defendant Russell Williams in favor of Plaintiff, encumbering real estate described as follows:
Situated in the Township of Harrison, County of Carroll and State of Ohio:
Known as and being part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 15, Range 6, Harrison Township, Carroll County, Ohio, and being a part of a 34.462 acre tract of land, now and formerly owned by John and Thelma Geiser, Deed Vol. 141, Page 864, and being further described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pin found at the Northeast comer of the West half of the Northwest Quarter Section No. 33, Thence South 45 Deg. 36 min. 15 Sec. West a distance of 1143.22 feet to a ½” iron bar set and the true place of beginning for the tract of land herein described; thence South 42 deg. 08 min. 21 sec. West (Passing over a ½” iron bar set at 292.67 feet) a total distance of 306.44 feet to a R.R. spike set on the approximate center of Township Road #150 (Fresno Road); Thence North 41 Deg. 54 min. 56 sec. West and along the approximate center of said road a distance of 151.28 feet to a R.R. spike set; thence North 38 deg.06 min. 40 sec. West and along the approximate center of said road a distance of 93.17 feet to a R.R. spike set; thence North 42 deg. 31 min. 04 sec. East (passing over a ½” iron pipe set at 13.42 feet) a total distance of 169.18 feet to a ½” iron pipe set; thence North 31 deg. 31 min. 29 sec. East a distance of 124.93 feet to 1/2″ iron bar set; thence South 44 deg. 11 min. East a distance of 264.73 feet to 1/2″ iron bar set and the place of beginning, containing 1.697 acres of land more or less, but subject to all legal highways, and easements of record.
Note: North arrow oriented to Miskimen Survey of 6.838 Acres Miskimen Survey made October, 1980, also subject to the right of ingress and egress by the Grantors of this tract of land by means of a Fifteen (15) foot wide road which is presently used as an oil well road, said road to be maintained by the Grantees.
Said right of ingress and egress by said road is to continue and pass with the title of the land. Be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
Parcel No. 15-0005024.000
Plaintiff demands judgment that he is owed the sum of $19, 141.31 as of September 15, 2022, plus interest and costs, on the land installment contract.
The Defendant Russell Williams is required to answer on or before the expiration of twenty-eight days after the last publication of this notice, which date will be April 12, 2023.
Published in The Carroll County Messenger Feb. 8, Feb. 15, Feb. 22 and March 1, March 8 and March 15, 2023.
The Minerva Local School District Board of Education is requesting proposals from firms to provide construction services for its Track Reconstruction Project. Requests for Proposals may be obtained from Gary Chaddock, Superintendent at [email protected]. Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., local time, March 30, 2023. A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 406 East Street, Minerva, Ohio 44657 on March 21, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. with site visit to immediately follow.
Published in The Carroll County Messenger March 8, 15, 2023.
The Carroll Soil and Water Conservation District 2022 Annual Financial Report is complete. The report is available for public inspection at the Soil and Water office located at 613 High St. NW, Carrollton, OH 44615.
Published in The Carroll County Messenger March 15, 2023.