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The Messenger invites area residents and organizations to submit information on community news. 

The following list provides a guideline for submitting news:

COMMUNITY NEWS: Readers are invited to share ideas for stories by either visiting  the office at 60 E. Main St., Carrollton, or by calling 330-476-6343. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

CHECK PRESENTATIONS: Pictures can be taken by FPS staff or submitted to the office via email at for check donation presentations of $250 or more. 

ENGAGEMENTS, WEDDINGS & ANNIVERSARIES: Information should be submitted on a Messenger form, which is available at the office or via email by request. Photos can be submitted via email or in person at the office. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for pictures you want returned. Anniversary photos will be printed for those 25 years and over in increments of five years.  

COLLEGE GRADUATIONS/DEANS LIST: Please send name of student, college attending, honor received, names of parents and high school and year of graduation.

RETIREMENTS: Stories on retirements will be printed as news releases. Photos will be accepted for retirements after 30 years of service.

MILITARY NEWS: Information about graduations, assignments, promotions and medal recipients and retirements are accepted. Please include names of local relatives and high school graduation information for recent graduates.

BUSINESS ANNIVERSARIES & GRAND OPENINGS: Information on area businesses is welcomed at The Messenger. Pictures will be taken for business anniversaries of 20 years or more in five-year increments.  

If you have a question about information you wish to submit, don’t hesitate to call the office at 330-476-6343.

Deadline for news items (school, general news) is Friday at 9 a.m.

Deadline for classifieds is Monday at 9 a.m.

Deadline for obituaries is Monday at noon.

Deadline for letters to the editor is Thursday at 5 p.m.