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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
TO THE DEFENDANT: Estate of Michael John Lindsay, deceased (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), to the DEFENDANT Jane Doe, known or unknown spouse of Michael John Lindsay (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), to the DEFENDANT John Doe, known or unknown heir of Michael John Lindsay (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), take notice:
Carroll County Treasurer,
Estate of Michael John
Lindsay, deceased, et al,
Case No. 2024CVE30430
Jeff Yeager, Carroll County Treasurer, has brought an action naming you as Defendants in the above named Court by filing his complaint on the 21 st day of February, 2024.
The object of the complaint is to enforce the lien of outstanding, overdue, and unpaid real estate taxes and assessments, together with any interest, penalties, costs, fees, or expenses lawfully assessed against the following described real estate:
Situated in the Township of East, County of Carroll, and State of Ohio:
Known as being part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 1 5, of Range 5, also being part of a 15.006 acre tract of Arcadio and Marcia Cruz as recorded in Volume 289, Page 510 of Deed Records, said tract being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning for reference at a 5/8″ iron pin, found at the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12;
Thence with the South line of said Quarter Section, South 86 0 -47′-00″ East 2054.08 feet to a 5/8″ iron pin, w/cap, found at an East corner of a 63.407 acre tract of Charles and Monica Rankin as recorded in Book 30, Page 242 of Official Record;
Thence with an East line of said Rankin tract, North 16 0 -31′ -08″ West 647.22 feet to a 5/8″ iron pin, w/cap, set and THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING;
Thence with an East line of said Rankin tract and the East line of a 8.007 acre tract of William and Myra Kramp as recorded in Volume 302, Page 83 of Deed Records, North 16 0 -31′-08″ West 699.00 feet to a 5/8″ iron pin, w/cap, found at the Southeast corner of a 2.069 acre tract of Thomas Karam as recorded in Volume 289, Page 539 of Deed Record;
Thence with the East line of said Karam tract, North 25 0 -44′ -19″ East 203.52 feet to a point in Township Road 261, Meadow Road on the South line of a 132.30 acre tract of Eric Good as recorded in Book 37, Page 2835 of Official Record, passing through a 5/8″ iron pin, w/cap, found at 183.84 feet as reference;
Thence with said road and Good tract, South 56 0 -45′-41 ” East 295.91 feet to a point in said road;
Thence with said road and Good tract, South 40 0 -06′-22″ East 286.68 feet to a point in said road;
Thence leaving said road, South 49 0 -53′ -38″ West 15.74 feet to a 5/8″ iron pin, w/cap, set;
Thence South 33 0 -50′ -58″ West 556.14 feet to an iron pin and THE TRUE PLACE OF BEGINNING, the herein described tract containing 5.100 acres, more or less, subject to all legal highways, easements or restrictions of Record.
The basis of bearing was the South line of said Quarter Section and the bearing of South 86 0 -47′ -00″ East was taken from a survey by Bonar Surveying #8394 in the Carroll County Survey Records.
Description of said tract on survey by Bonar Surveying Registered Surveyor #7134, November 30, 2007.
PPN: , 11-0000178.006, split from 1100178.001
The relief demanded is judgment in the amount of $5,7 1 7. 83 plus interest and
court costs; that said tax lien be foreclosed and the said real estate described herein
be sold at Sheriff’s Sale and the proceeds of said sale be applied for payment of the
said outstanding taxes, assessments, costs, fees, and expenses; that each
Defendant be required to answer setting forth his or her claim or interest in the
subject real estate, if any, or be forever barred from claiming or asserting same; and
for such other and further relief to which Plaintiff may be entitled.
You are required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this notice, which will be published once a we k for six (6) consecutive weeks, with the last publication to be made on the 10th day of April, 2024.
In case of your failure to answer or otherwise respond as permitted by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure within the time stated, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Compaint
William R. Wohlwend
By Amber Bajornas
Carroll County Clerk of Courts
P.O. Box 367
Carrollton, Ohio 44615
Published in The Carroll County Messerger March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3, April 10, 2024.
TO THE DEFENDANT: Estate of Shelia M. Nicholas, deceased (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), to the DEFENDANT John Doe, known or unknown spouse of Shelia M. Nichols (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), to the DEFENDANT John Doe, known or unknown heir of Shelia M. Nichols (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained) to the DEFENDANT Burton P. Cooper (whose current address is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained), take notice:
Carroll County Treasurer,
Estate of Shelia M. Nichols, deceased, et al,
Case No. 2024CVE30429
Jeff Yeager, Carroll County Treasurer, has brought an action naming you as Defendants in the above named Court by filing his complaint on the 21 st day of February, 2024.
The object of the complaint is to enforce the lien of outstanding, overdue, and unpaid real estate taxes and assessments, together with any interest, penalties, costs, fees, or expenses lawfully assessed against the following described real estate:
Situated in the Township of Monroe, County of Carroll and State of Ohio:
Being located in the northwest quarter of Section 8 in Township 15, Range 7 and being a part of a 20.55 acre tract heretofore conveyed to Calvin and Marie Carillon by deed recorded in Vol. 135 at Page 266 of the Carroll County Deed Records, the part hereby conveyed being more fully described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pin (set) at the southeast corner of a 0.106 acre tract (D.V. 199,
P. 40) on the southerly bound of the abovementioned 20.55 acre tract, said beginning being located South 86 deg. 27 min. East along the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 8, 1438.00 feet from the southwest corner of said north half; thence from said beginning with the bounds of said 0.106 acre tract the following two (2) courses:
North 4 deg. 02 min. East, 173.98 feet to an iron pin (set) and North 84 deg. 13 min. West, 26.00 feet to an iron pin (found) at the northeast corner of a 0.94 acre tract (D.v. 139, P. 363);
thence with the northerly bound of said 0.94 acre tract North 84 deg. 13 min. West, 194.52 feet to an iron pin (found);
thence continuing with said northerly bound North 84 deg. 13 min. West, 35.48 feet to the northwest corner of said 0.94 acre tract in State Route #39 (Roswell Road); thence in said road with a westerly bound of the abovementioned 20.55 acre tract and an easterly bound of a 17.19 acre tract (D.V. 125, P. 313) North 2 deg. 12 min. East, 20.04 feet; thence leaving said road and said bounds South 84 deg. 13 min. East, 36.73 feet to an iron pin (set); thence continuing South 84 deg. 13 min. East, 220.03 feet to an iron pin (set); thence South 71 deg. 08 min. East, 250.00 feet to an iron pin (set); thence South 4 deg. 02 min. West 127.95 feet to an iron pin (set) on the south line of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 8, the southerly bound of the aforementioned 20.55 acre tract and the northerly bound of a 3.08 acre tract (D.V. 177, P. 144); thence with said line and said bounds North 86 deg. 27 min. West, 241.79 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.01 1 acres more or less, but subject to all legal highways, rights-of-way, easements and leases of record.
The foregoing description is based on a field survey performed by David A. Miskimen, R.S. 5970 on July 6, 1984. The bearings are oriented to the abovementioned 0.106 acre tract deed and the iron pins set are No. 5 re-bars thirty inches in length with plastic caps stamped with said surveyor’s initials and registration numbers.
PPN: 23-0001356.000
The relief demanded is judgment in the amount of $5,648.63 plus interest and court costs; that said tax lien be foreclosed and the said real estate described herein be sold at Sheriff’s Sale and the proceeds of said sale be applied for payment of the said outstanding taxes, assessments, costs, fees, and expenses; that each Defendant be required to answer setting forth his or her claim or interest in the subject real estate, if any, or be forever barred from claiming or asserting same; and for such other and further relief to which Plaintiff may be entitled.
You are required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this notice, which will be published once a week for six weeks with the last publication to be made on the 10th day of April, 2024.
In case of your failure to answer or otherwise respond as permitted by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure within the time stated, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
William R. Wohlwend
By Amber
Carroll County Clerk of Courts
P O. Box 367
Carrollton, Ohio 44615
Published in The Carroll County Messenger March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3, April 10, 2024.
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