330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Beat the parking ticket PRICE increase in Carrollton!
Reserve a space in a private downtown lot and never pay a parking ticket again! Close to Courthouse and Public Square. Reasonable rates. Call 330-691-0118 or 330-805-7642.
Top prices paid for clean pre-owned guns, rifles, handguns and Thompson center muzzleloaders, estate purchases also. RUNZO’S Outdoor Sports on the strip St. Rt. 62 in Beloit 330-537-2137. Check Us Out on FB.
Standing Timber & Walnut Trees. CALL Carroll County Logging 330-738-2050 or 440-897-0863 Local and 25 Years Experience!
Bedroom SALE – Dressers from $299, chest, nightstands & MORE!. Good credit – approved thru Synchrony Finance Co.. Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Wed. 9-Noon, Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
Great selection of Dinettes – 5 pc. bar height $399! All recliners, Dinettes, Bedrooms, Mattresses, TV Stands and More!Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Wed. 9-Noon, Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
Gulley Construction – Veteran Owned, 234-322-7369 or email Terry at [email protected] – pole barns, garages, fencing, siding, metal roofing, exterior and interior remodeling, laminate flooring, he or she caves and hardwood flooring. Free estimates, fully insured and reliable.
Tree Top Services, Owner Gordan Young. Offering tree removal, stump grinding, trimming and tree replacement. Plus firewood for sale call 330-573-5192.
NEED A ROOF? Then call Charity at MD Home Services 330-356-8151. An Owens Corning Contractor with over 23 years experience and A+ BBB rating!
All real estate ads published in The Messenger classifieds are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin intention to make any such preference, limitations or discrimination.
State laws forbid discrimination in the state, rental or advertisement of real estate based on factors in addition to those protections under federal law.
The Carroll County Messenger will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that the dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Remodeled 4 BR., 2 BA, Home in Carrollton. Laundry/Pantry on first floor, Amish custom kitchen, new floors and new carpet – $249,000. Located at 124 2nd St. call for viewing 330-205-5161.
The village of Carrollton is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Seasonal Laborer within the Village Street Department. This position will perform manual labor which may include but not limited to, lawn and right of way maintenance, painting and providing labor in the maintenance of the Village streets and storm drainage. Successful applicants must possess a valid driver’s license, be able to pass a pre-employment physical, drug screen and background check. In addition, they must have the ability to pull or lift fifty pounds and the physical ability to walk, stand or stoop for extended period of times.
This position is seasonal (May thru October) part time position that will not exceed thirty hours a week, does not include benefits and pays a rate of $15.00 per hr. Applications may be obtained at the Municipal Building, located at 80 2ND St. SW., Carrollton, OH 44615 or online at the Village of Carrollton website. Resumes and applications may be returned to the Municipal Building or emailed to, [email protected] no later than noon on April 19, 2024.
On March 12, I lost my antique gold wedding band in Carrollton. This band has sentimental value to me. I had visited many places that day – Huntington Bank, Rite-Aide, Post Office, Dollar General and McDonalds. REWARD offered 740-543-4133.
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