330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Don’t Get Another Parking Ticket!
Parking spaces available in downtown Carrollton. Paved lot. Close to Courthouse and Public Square. Reasonable rates. Call 330-691-0118 or 330-805-7642.
Top prices paid for clean pre-owned guns, rifles, handguns and Thompson center muzzleloaders, estate purchases also. RUNZO’S Outdoor Sports onthe strip St. Rt. 62 in Beloit 330-537-2137. Check Us Out on FB.
Standing Timber & Walnut Trees. CALL Carroll County Logging 330-738-2050 or 440-897-0863 Local and 25 Years Experience!
Spring has Sprung! New arrivals of Ashley & England sofas starting at $388. Many styles to choose from. Lots of recliner sofas also. Gordon’s Furniture- Minerva. Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Closed on Wed., Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
Dinettes and bedroom furniture galore at Gordons. Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Closed on Wed., Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
TV Stands and Dinettes – Great Selection and Prices! Sold assembled too! Financing available Check Us Out on Facebook, Mon., Tues. Thurs. & Fri, 9 to 5:30, Closed on Wed., Sat. 9 to 2. 330-868-1099.
All real estate ads published in The Messenger classifieds are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin intention to make any such preference, limitations or discrimination.
State laws forbid discrimination in the state, rental or advertisement of real estate based on factors in addition to those protections under federal law.
The Carroll County Messenger will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that the dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Newer Storage Building for rent or lease. 40X64 14’ tall W/2 12X16 ft. doors. Fully electric, concrete floor and building has easy road access. Located in Carrollton. $850 mo. 330-327-1308.
For Rent – One Bedroom, one bath, no pets. Located in the Amsterdam area. call for info 740-543-4182.
Hay – First Cutting round bales $20, delivery available (Perrysville area) 330-415-2820.
1946 Farmall H, runs great, good condition. Asking $2,250 – call or text for additional info, call 330-488-4883.
The Village of Malvern is seeking to hire a seasonal employee for the 2023 calendar year. The position will be effective June 2023 and ending October 30, 2023. This position is limited to 40 hours per week, at a rate of $12.00 per hour and works directly under the supervision of superintendent of village services. Applications must be received by June 7, 2023 and can be submitted to the Malvern Village Hall at PO Box 384, Malvern, OH 44644. Requirements: -Valid drivers license-18 years of age or older -Dependable and positive work ethic -Some flexible hours as jobs require -Able to lift minimum 45 pounds, and utilize necessary hand tools -Assist in mowing and trimming (ie: weed-eating) all Village property and as required by superintendent. -Filling potholes, painting of curbs, removal of debris and other street and alley related maintenance -Installation, maintenance and painting of street signs, lighting and other objects/decorations -Assist in cleaning and installation of catch basins within the Village -Assist in maintaining, service and cleaning of all Village equipment and facilities -Emptying Village trash cans -Village leaf pick up in the fall -Other duties as deemed necessary by village administrator or council that are needed for efficient operation of the Village.
Canadian Red Rhubarb in 1-gallon pots $7, Also Rhubarb Stocks $2 a lb. Near Minerva 330-868-7608 or 330-418-4766.
Yard Sale 2179 Brenner Rd. NE, Carrollton, May 25 & 26 ( 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Vintage household, lots of good stuff!
518 5TH Street, Carrollton, May 25, 26 & 27, 2023. ( 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) paper crafters paradise, baby, hunting, fishing, camping, electronics, furniture, home decor, torpedo heater, antiques, tools, chain saw and lift chair.
412 Lincoln Ave. NW, Carrollton, May 25, 26 (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) & 27 (9 – Noon) Hoover sweeper, household, TOO much to list!
5611 Autumn Rd. SW, Carrollton – May 26 & 27, 2023 ( 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) LOTS of GOOD STUFF!
AKC Fox Red Labrador Puppies. Vet checked, DNA tested, microchipped, wormed, up-to-date on all vaccinations. Ready to go June 1, 2023 – call 330-205-5069.
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