Clerk of courts pays for final pieces of MARCS equipment

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By Leigh Ann Rutledge

CCM Reporter

Carroll County fire service will have the equipment needed to operate MARCS (Multi Agency Radio Communication System) radios after a county elected official holder offered to pay their share of the cost.

During the April 8 county commissioners meeting, President Bob Wirkner explained  fire service received a grant from the State Fire Marshal’s office. The grant was explicit on what could and could not be purchased with the funds. Two consolettes and a recorder are needed for the system, but cannot be purchased  with the grant funds.

A committee was formed to find the needed equipment, but was not able to find the items. Commissioner Wirkner advised the equipment would need to be purchased new and equipment can be purchased through the Ohio DAS Cooperative Purchasing Program and will include programming and installation.

The fire services were asked to contribute $10,000 towards the purchase price and  commissioners would fund the remainder. When Wirkner noted the fire services were struggling to come up with their share, Carroll County Clerk of Courts Bill Wohlwend stepped forward to donate the $10,000.

Commissioners approved motions declaring the $10,000 is available as recommended by Wohlwend and declared the purchase of the MARCS radio consolettes and recorder will benefit the general welfare of county residents.

Wikrner thanked Wohlwend for his willingness to step up and help. Wohlwend replied, “I’m just trying to help the county.”

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