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COVID-19 death toll rises to nine in Carroll County
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By Carol McIntire
Carroll County General Health District officials reported two additional COVID-19 -related deaths during a report to county commissioners Nov. 5.
Director of Nursing Kelly Engelhart said both of the deceased are in the 65-and-over age category.
As of the morning of Nov. 9, there were 296 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in the county and 92 active cases. That is an increase of over 60 cases from a week ago
Engelhart said there were 340 persons on quarantine or monitoring last week. About 200 dropped off this week. Most of those were related to an exposure at Carrollton High School, she said. Deaths remained at 9 and there were 29 people hospitalized.
Carrollton Schools officials moved the district to remote learning this week (Nov. 9-13) and cancelled all sports activities due to the “drastic increase in COVID-19 positive cases in the district” and over 200 students in quarantine. In an all-call to parents, he promised to keep the community posted.
The county saw its biggest spike in cases in October when 120 new cases were reported. Previous to that, the largest increase came in July when 58 cases were reported.
“We continue to see an increase in cases,” Engelhart said. “To put it into perspective, 36 cases is not a lot, but for a population of less than 28,000, it is significant,” she said, adding the department continues to see lots of community spread.
“We continue to encourage people to wear masks and use social distancing,” she said.
Engelhart is working with Emergency Management Director Tom Cottis to set up a COVID-19 task force as directed by Governor Mike DeWine.
Commissioner President Bob Wirkner said an executive committee in each county will oversee the task force and meet directly with the governor in an effort to reduce the number of cases. The executive committee will be comprised of the president of commissioners, county health director and mayor of the largest village.
“We are being pro-active informing this committee so when we have the call with the governor we will be ready,” said Engelhart. “Anything we can do now will help the community in the long run.”
Commissioners agreed to appoint Wirkner to the executive committee.
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