CHS students begin planting project at high school/middle school campus

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CCM/ Carol McIntire Carrollton High School teacher Seth Halfhill (left) instructs students Landyn Jackson (center) and Quentin Rosenberger on the correct procedure to plant a tree. Jackson is a junior and Rosenberger a senior. The tree is a white oak.

Students in Seth Halfihill’s environmental science class at Carrollton High School stepped outside the classroom last week to learn about nature.

The students planted nine trees and three shrubs on the school campus as part of a project to plant an arboretum at the school. 

Outdoor Educator Kay Russell said funds for the project come from donations made by the public to plant trees and the district’s general fund. Russell said additional plantings are planned, including trees along the driveway entrance to the school. 

“That’s expected to take place next spring,” she said. 

Ryan Borland’s FFA class is assisting by prepping plastic pipe to make a watering system for the trees and the school maintenance staff prepared the sites. Brace’s donated the Mulch and John Beadnell donated the stakes. 

Halfhill said the environmental science class focuses on getting students outside.

“The goal is to get kids outside and teach them about nature and the environment,” he said.

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