Rape trial postponed after jurors
fail to show up for duty

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By Carol McIntire
A lack of potential jurors caused the rape trial of a former Carroll County man to be postponed for a second time.
The trial of Corey S. Stamm, 32, who formerly resided on Waynesburg Rd. and now of Canton, was originally scheduled to begin Jan. 9. That trial was postponed and scheduled to begin March 20 in Carroll County Common Pleas Court.
However, the trial was again postponed with attorneys for the prosecution and defense and Judge Michael V. Repella, II deciding there were not enough potential jurors present to seat a jury.
Of the 50 jurors called to hear the case March 20, seven were excused for various reasons, eight did not show up at the courthouse and another two were late, leaving a pool of 33 jurors at the time of the trial, according to Clerk of Courts William “Bill” Wohlwend, who checks in jurors when they arrive at the courtroom.
“The judge and attorneys didn’t feel the pool was sufficient to seat a 12-person jury and two alternates,” Prosecuting Attorney Steven D. Barnett told The Messenger.
The trial is now scheduled to begin April 8.
Court personnel said Repella did not cite the absent jurors with contempt of court. He called them into the courtroom the following day and explained the importance of jury duty and the potential consequences for not fulfilling their duty.
Records in the clerk’s office show the cost to issue the venire for the jury was $300 ($6 per person) and a total of $330 was paid to the 33 jurors who showed up for a half day of service ($10 each). Those fees are added to the court costs for the trial, and if not paid the defendant, the county absorbs the cost.
Stamm filed a certificate of indigency with the court and is represented by Public Defender Stephen Kandel in the case.

Stamm was indicted by a Carroll County grand jury July 7, 2022, on two counts of first-degree felony rape and two counts of sexual battery. Barnett said He is accused of repeatedly engaging in sexual conduct with a female juvenile between October 2020 and March 2022 while he lived in Carroll County. His bond remains at $50,000 personal recognizance with electronically monitored house arrest.

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