John Gregg Art Show draws upon literacy

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John Gregg Elementary will promote literacy through artwork during its upcoming student art show on March 9.

 “Reading Rainbow: Art from Literature” is the theme of this year’s event, which will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. and highlights popular books.

   “Student artwork will be on display and we will have a food truck from the Rusty Bull Taco Co.,” said art teacher Kelly Dopp. “The fifth-and sixth-grade enrichment groups will present wax museums and the third- and fourth-grade enrichment students will be displaying biographical projects. There will be art-making stations for families to enjoy with their children and a Scholastic Book Fair in the library.”

   Dopp added that the students researched famous people for their exhibits with the sixth-graders focusing on ancient cultures, fifth-graders eyeing explorers, fourth-graders showcasing famous Ohioans and third-graders touting American Presidents. 

   “The fifth- and sixth-graders all researched people and will make speeches about them and [the latter grades] will have pop bottle characters with information on display,” she continued, adding that the event them was based on a love of books. “All of the art is based on children’s books. The children love having books read to them and I think being an art illustrator is an interesting career.”

    Dopp said students are honing their skills by literally drawing upon literature.

   “This gives them a chance to mimic that type of career and look at literature through a different lens when it comes to art illustrations.”

   Dopp has held art shows for four years while serving both at John Gregg and Stanton Elementary but most recently has been based at the Bergholz school. She said upwards of 150 to 200 people have attended in the past and hopes the turnout is even greater this time.

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