Attorneys comb through discovery in air purifier case

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By Carol McIntire
Attorneys for the four persons accused of selling air purifiers to the Carrollton Exempted Village School District and attempting to hide the transactions continue to comb through the massive amount of discovery turned over by the prosecution.
During a pre-trial hearing Feb. 23, attorneys for Dr. David Quattrochi, Michael and Jackie Pozderac and Gus Nickolas told Carroll County Common Pleas Judge Michael V. Repella, II they continue to review the discovery turned over by Tom Anger, an attorney in the Special Investigations Unit at the Ohio Auditor of State’s office.

None of the attorneys wished to file motions during the hearing, which led to Repella announcing the previously scheduled April 13 pre-trial will be the next time the parties return to court.
At this point, a jury trial is scheduled the third week in July.
All four defendants were indicted Dec. 7 by a Carroll County grand jury. Quattrochi and the Pozderacs face 10 criminal counts including: Theft in Office, Grand Theft by Deception, three counts of Having an Unlawful Interest in a Public Contract, Telecommunications Fraud, Money Laundering, Engaging in a Pattern of Corrupt Activity, Soliciting or Accepting Improper Compensation and Representation by Present Official Prohibited.
The indictment alleges Quattrochi, Mike Pozderac and Jackie Pozderac were employed by or associated with Gus Nickolas in the enterprise, The Phoenix Rising or Pozitively Quality Air, LLC, and participated directly or indirectly in the affairs of the company through a pattern of corrupt activity.
Nickolas faces charges of Engaging in a Pattern of Corrupt Activity, Money Laundering, Theft in Office, Grand Theft, Having an Unlawful Interest in a Public Contract, Telecommunications Fraud and Receiving Stolen Property.

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