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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Leigh Ann Rutledge
Associate Editor
The village of Carrollton has a busy year of projects planned; some evident and some not, according to Village Administrator Mark Wells.
Projects ranging from sidewalk installation, street paving and water/sewer/gas line repairs to flooding issues and a community park, improvements will be continuous within the village.
Sidewalk Project
The SR 332 Sidewalk Project is one of the biggest projects the village has in the works. The project will connect the existing sidewalk to Carrollton High/Middle School at approximately 2,000 feet total work length. The village will pay 100 percent of the cost of improvements, which exceed the federal fund maximums for preliminary engineering, right of way, construction and construction engineering. They will also be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the project area.
The preliminary engineer’s opinion of costs shows the 2023 probable base project cost at $722,250. The breakdown is $46,000, engineering and design; $40,000, right-of-way; $578,250 preliminary construction; and $58,000 for inspection.
The village was notified of a $400,000 award from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Safe Routes to School (SRTS). The funds can be used on any phase of project development. Construction funding becomes available in fiscal year 2024.
The village also received notification in May 2021 of an award from the Transportation Alternatives Program in federal funds available in fiscal year 2024. In the past, ODOT provided 80 percent of the eligible costs in federal funds through the Transportation Alternatives Program. In 2021, ODOT utilized Toll Revenue Credit (TRC) and will provide 95 percent up to a maximum of $604,437.
ODOT has awarded the engineering project to CESO, who were consultants on the school building project. They will be in the planning phase during 2022-23.
“There are a lot of ongoing things in the different phases,” Wells explained. “There will be surveying, property acquisition, the railroad. It will be a long project and is not expected to go to bid until 2024.”
Gas line project
Last year, Columbia Gas contacted Wells about an upgrade project in 2022 in the downtown area. The project could be tentatively slated for 2022, however to date, Wells has not received confirmation.
A map from Columbia Gas shows work on 2nd St. SW, High St. (south and north), Lisbon St. (south and north), Main St. (east and west) and 2nd St. NW. A subcontractor for Columbia Gas has been doing GIS (Geographical Information System) mapping work in the area.
At the present time, Wells has no projected start or finish date, but noted it appears it will be a disruptive project.
Street paving
The 2022 budget has $225,000 appropriated for street paving. At this time, 7,050 feet of streets and alleyways are projected to be paved. The list of streets to be paved has not been set but the project is expected to go out to bid around March.
Sewer Dept.
Two projects are being looked at for 2022 in the sewer department. A building addition (garage) is being planned at the sewer plant this year. It will be used to store equipment. The project has not gone to bid, but the cost of it will determine the remainder of update work allowable on sanitary lines.
Wells explained Insight Pipe Contracting has been lining old clay tile sanitary lines for the past two years. The sanitary lines are lined with a ¼ inch plastic lining. This takes place in the ground and is very beneficial and cost effective. The cost is between 50-75 percent lower than replacing the lines. The procedure will rebuild and rejuvenate lines with cracks and keep them viable, Wells explained, noting, “It’s a good project.” There are 33.3 miles of sewer lines in the village.
Village officials are also considering lining manholes.
Waterline replacement
Based on the budget, the village will attempt to do a waterline replacement project this year. Approximately 80 percent of the waterlines have been replaced with plastic lines, which have a greater life span. If able, they will attempt to do a waterline replacement project each year until all has been replaced. There are a total of 41.5 miles of water lines.
Moody Lake
Another issue village officials hope to tackle in 2022 is the flooding issue caused by “Moody Lake”, a detention pond located on Moody Ave. The pond maintains water which will dissipate slowly through the drain. The water either runs off or soaks in. It’s designed to prevent the water from flooding. The issue is where the pond dumps into on 3rd St. SW, which causes flooding.
The estimate to correct the issue is $335,000. Wells said the village has received $158,488 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA is a federal program through which funds can be allocated for infrastructure, including water, sanitary and sewer projects. The village will receive a second installment of the same amount from ARPA in June for a total of $316,976.
The project will move the water down below the trailer court on S. High St. and into the culverts which will be installed with the SR 332 Sidewalk project.
The village would be responsible for funding the remaining balance. Wells hopes the see the project go out to bid in 2022.
Wells said the village first looked into the project January of 2020 and the estimated cost was $251,000. In November 2021, it went up to $335,000 due to the increase in materials, etc.
How does an engineer estimate come about? The village would contact Engineering Associates (EA) who would look at the situation and report what the problem is with a preliminary cost estimate. Once funding was in place, the village would sign a contract with EA for the engineering process and send the project to bid. Once the bid was awarded the project would be given a start date.
The village originally had until 2024 to spend the funding, but ARPA has pushed that date back to 2026.
5th St. Park
The “fun” project village officials are working on is the newly acquired 5th St. Park. The village purchased a handicapped accessible play structure ($100,000) which was originally set to be installed at Ann Green Park. Due to the pandemic, the structure was not installed and has been in storage. Gaining the 5th St. Park, the structure will be installed on the south end of the infield of the track. The installation will be covered partially by a Nature Works Grant. DWA Recreation will lay the project out and do the installation. Before the structure is installed, the village will complete grade work to make it American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant.
Updates have been completed, such as a newly paved walking track and lighting. Wells noted, “The walking track is getting use.”
The village owns a portable restroom trailer which is ADA compliant and has heat and air conditioning. They plan to set it up at the park for temporary use. Over the summer, plans include removing the old restrooms and concession stand.
Future plans include constructing a picnic shelter and permanent restrooms.
Looking forward
Wells is excited about the projects in the works and noted they accomplished several things in 2021. The Garfield Ave. water/storm sewer project was completed, 12 linear feet of sewer lines have been completed and the street paving completed.
He had a dialogue with two developers interested in developing adult housing and is working with Tom Konst of Regional Planning regarding available land.
Wells also noted village officials are very excited with the addition of the Grand Tea Room and the new tanning salon and boutique.
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