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Dairy Beef tag-in changes
Changes to the Process of Dairy Beef Feeder Tag-In from OSU -Extension:
Dairy Beef Feeder tag-in is Saturday, March 28 from 9-11 a.m.
Due to the mandate put forth by Governor Dewine and the State of Ohio, we are changing the process at tag-in that we have used in the past.
Jr. Fair Chairman Ray Rummell and the Sr. Fair Board ask that everyone STAY in their trucks while in line to weigh. Once backed up to the barn, they ask that only ONE person get out of the truck to weigh the steers. There will NOT be a spectator area for people to watch weigh in. Officials are following the 10 people or less at a gathering mandate, so please stay in your trucks until it is your turn to have your steers processed!
Thank You for your Cooperation!