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Absentee voting continues for primary election
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By Leigh Ann Rutledge
CCM Reporter
The Carroll County Board of Elections met March 17 for their monthly meeting.
However, instead of meeting prior to the opening of polling places, they met at 9 a.m.
State Board of Election offices received a directive from Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose stating, “The March 17, 2020, Presidential Primary Election is suspended until June 2, 2020.
The directive was issued due to the order from the Director of Health Dr. Any Acton. Acton noted “pursuant to the authority granted to me in RC 3701.13 to ‘make special orders…for preventing the spread of contagious or infectious diseases’ order the polling locations in the State of Ohio closed on March 17, 2020.”
The order stated, “I make this Order to avoid the imminent threat with a high probability of widespread exposure to COVID-19 with a significant risk of substantial harm to a large number of people in the general population…”
Since the primary election has been moved, absentee voting will continue until May 26. However, there will be no in-person voting. Residents can call the county office and ask to have a ballot mailed to them. Any ballots being sent back by mail must be postmarked by May 26.
Residents can also request a hand-carry absentee ballot at the office in the courthouse. Residents can either have staff mail them a form to request an absentee ballot or print the form from the Board of Elections website. The form must be filled out and brought to the office to receive an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots can also be dropped off at the office instead of returning through the mail.
For any questions or concerns, call the Carroll County Board of Elections office at 330-627-2610. The office will be open regular hours.
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