CHS CARE Team collecting items for local families

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Cassie Nicholas, Carrollton Schools CARE Team coordinator, has received several requests asking how residents can help local Warrior families who might have food and living needs during this time.

In response, the team will be collecting shelf-stable food items and paper products for families in need. 

Items can be dropped off at the CARE Team building on 3rd St. NE, just past Carrollton elementary school. Nicholas will be available Wednesday (March 18) and Thursday (March 19) from 8 to 10 a.m. to collect donations. There will be totes outside the door to place items so there is no direct contact. Those who would like to make a donation at a different time should send Nicholas a message.
Donations will be used to create Care Packages to give in addition to the feeding program for breakfast and lunches from the school cafeteria.
The best items to donate include: boxed cereals, Pop Tarts, cereal bars, oatmeal, fruit cups, pasta, tomato sauce, macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, soups, canned meat, canned chili, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, rice, chips, pretzels, canned cheese, beef jerky, applesauce, canned peaches, pears, oranges, etc., toilet paper, paper towels and bleach.

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