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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Eric Lowe
CCM Correspondent
Amsterdam officials have been busy addressing concerns from residents regarding dust, road damage, and water lines breaking during the installation of sewage lines and a sewage treatment facility. Village officials note inconveniences are to be expected.
The village is undergoing a transformation with construction equipment constantly on the move, materials continuously being brought in, and construction signs and stop lights placed and replaced throughout the village. With what is expected to be a 15-month sewage project, contractors are in full swing with pipes, pumps, and the treatment facility.
“I’m very satisfied with the direction Amsterdam is headed,” said Councilwomen Teresa Black. “The mayor and council have been working on some much-needed updates. It’ll take time and patience, but the end result will benefit everyone. Barriers exist trying to implement infrastructure improvements, but the end results will be positive for the residents of Amsterdam. Although it’s very frustrating for everyone, with patience and cooperation, it will make the transition go smoother,” she said.
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