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Twins Eric and Craig Brackin became Malvern Troop 155’s 136th and 137th Eagle Scouts at its Winter Court of Honor on Dec. 2 at Good Shepherd Hall in Malvern.
Eric Brackin is Troop 155’s 136th Eagle Scout. He is the son of Jim and Leslie Brackin, of Carrollton. He is a senior at Carrollton High School. He is a 5 year Troop member, 4th year Pipestone, 5th year Polar Bear, and an Ordeal member of the Order of the Arrow. For his eagle project he led the scouts in making an outdoor Calisthenics gym for the local 5th St. Park in Carrollton. He is planning on attending Philmont Scout Ranch with the Troop in the summer of 2024.
Craig Brackin is Troop 155’s 137th Eagle Scout. He is the son of Jim and Leslie Brackin, of Carrollton. He is a senior at Carrollton High School. He is a 5-year Troop member, 5th year Pipestone, 5th year Polar Bear, and an Ordeal member of the Order of the Arrow. For his eagle project he led scouts in the assembly of six wooden benches for the Malvern Village Park basketball court. He is planning on attending Philmont Scout Ranch with the Troop in the summer of 2024.
Craig Brackin was also awarded Outstanding Scout of 2023. The award was presented by 1983 Outstanding Scout Patrick Hudson.
Brother Clint Brackin conducted the Eagle Scout Charge. Clint earned his Eagle in 2019.
Jeff Crowl was the voice of the eagle.
Other awards presented at the Winter Court of Honor include:
Sly Fox: 1st Place: Craig Brackin and Collin Eckard; 2nd Place: Jacob Kirby, Josh Rhiel, Greg Hole and Eric Brackin.
.22 Shoot-Younger Scouts: 1st Place: Anderson Myers, 2nd Place: Lukas Campbell and 3rd Place: Like Miday.
.22 Shoot-Older Scouts: 1st Place: Collin Eckard, 2nd Place: Eric Brackin; and 3rd Place Ethan Grossi.
Shotgun-Younger Scouts: 1st Place: Anderson Myers, 2nd Place: Lukas Campbell.
Older Scouts: 1st Place: Craig Brackin, 2nd Place: Josh Rhiel.
Football: 1st Place: Caleb Hudson, Josh Rhiel, Eric Brackin, Ethan Grossi, Anderson Myers and Karsen Farmer.
2nd Place: Craig Brackin, Collin Eckard, Jacob Kirby, Like Miday, Mike Wilson and Nathan Polen.
Year Pins were: 1st Year: Luke Miday and Carter Himes.
2nd Year: Levi Crawford, Karsen Farmer, Bowen Irwin and Anderson Myers.
5th Year: Eric Brackin and Craig Brackin.
7th Year: Jacob Kirby, Collin Eckard, Greg Hole, Ethan Grossi and Josh Rhiel.
8th Year: Taylor Phillips, Caleb Hudson and Mike Wilson.
Merit Badges
Greg Hole received Citizenship in the World, Citizenship in Society, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Communications and Family Life.
Senior Plaques were presented by Scoutmaster Robb Kenny to Carrollton High School Seniors Eric and Craig Brackin.
Ranks given were Luke Miday-Scout, Carter Himes-Scout and Karsen Farmer-Tenderfoot.
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