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Leetonia man dies from injuries, two others hospitalized
CCM Staff Report
A Leetonia man was killed and two others injured in a two-vehicle crash at 12:49 p.m. March 5 at the intersection of SR 171 and SR9.
Carroll County Sheriff Dale Williams identified the deceased as Lawrence A. Darner, 79 of Leetonia. Williams said Darner and his granddaughter, 21-year-old Madison Yvonne Woody of the same address, were taken to Aultman Hospital, where Darner died about 9 p.m. that evening. Woody was in stable condition when the report was released Monday morning.
Darner and Woody had visited a business, located on the corner of SR 43 and 171, and were on their way home, after using a cell phone to determine the best route. They left the business and traveled east on SR 171 in a 2010 Chevrolet Impala, according to Williams. He said Darner did not stop for the stop sign at the intersection of SR 171 and 9.
Derek McIntire, 35 of Antigua Rd., Carrollton, was traveling north on SR 9 in a 2020 Dodge 5,500 utility bucket truck owned by American Electric Power Company of Columbus. Darner’s Impala was in the middle of the intersection when it was struck by the truck. The impact caused McIntire’s truck to roll over one and half times and come to rest on its side on a bank on the east side of SR 9. Darner’s vehicle continued to travel north on SR 9 and came to rest on the east shoulder of the highway.
McIntire was taken to Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital where he was treated for his injuries and later released.
EMT Ambulance transported the victims and R&M Towing towed the vehicles from the scene. Carrollton Village fire department assisted at the scene.
It was the first highway fatality of 2021 in Carroll County.
There were seven fatal crashes in 2020.
The intersection has been the site of 13 accidents since 2016, including two fatalities and eight crashes with with injuries.
An additional fatality occured in 2013.
The Ohio Department of Transportation updated the approach to the intersection from SR 171 to SR 9 to increase visibility, a few years ago however, accidents continue to occur at the intersection.
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