330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Ideal weather made for a successful 2024 Scio Summer Fest August 7-10. The event kicked off with the 39th Scio Scramble 5-K Walk/Run and the Kids One Mile Fun Run on Wednesday with 150 Participants.
Thursday’s events included a Cheerleading Exhibition with the Harrison Central, biddy, junior high, and high school cheerleaders performing.
The Friday night parade included 90 entries. Saturdays highlight was the 39th Scio Show and Shine Car Show with 159 Entries. Other events Saturday included the pet show, karaoke contest, and arm-wrestling tournament. Cornhole tournaments were held Thursday and Saturday.
The festivals junior prince and Princess, princess, and queen were crowned Saturday evening.
Winning Parade awards were the following: Best Appearing Pumper 1250 GPM and over, Sturgeon VFD; Best Appearing Pumper Under 1250 GPM, Deersville Community VFD; Best Appearing Brush Truck, Bergholz VFD; Best Appearing Rescue Truck, Cadiz VFD; Oldest Fire Truck, Harrisville Fire Company; Best Appearing Tanker, Bowerston VFD; Best Appearing Ambulance, Capital Health; Best Marching Group, Conotton Valley High School Band; Best Antique Car, Leapin’ Lena; Best Farm Tractor, Easlick Family; Best Farm Animal, Harrison County Soil & Water Conservation; Best Political Entry, Michele Meyer; Best Child Entry, Scio Sportsman Club; Best Comic Unit, The Chop Shop; Best Theme Decorated Float, Perrysville/Pleasant Valley Churches; Best Organizational Float, Scio Garden Club Float; Best Class/School Float, Jewett-Scio Alumni Band; Most Unusual Entry, Stull Trucking & Excavating; Best Appearing ATV, Staten Built; Best of Parade, Puskarich Library/ Scio Branch Library.
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