School board agrees to release report from earlier Quattrochi investigation

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By Carol McIntire
Carrollton School Board of Education members met in executive session for an hour and 45 minutes immediately after opening the Nov. 8 meeting.
The session was to discuss compensation and investigation.
The board did not take action following the session, but as its final agenda item of the meeting, approved a resolution to release Attorney Lauren Tompkin’s final investigation report of allegations made against Superintendent Dr. David Quattrochi by school employees last year. The investigation was completed in early 2022.
The resolution is to waive the attorney-client privilege clause, saying it was done in order to be transparent with the community.
Board President Dan Ries said the Ohio Department of Education requested the report for an investigtion it is conducting in connection with allegations against Quattrochi.
“They requested the report so we felt we should release the report to the public,” he said.
The Messenger made a public records request for the documents Nov. 10.
Quattrochi was placed on paid leave Oct. 19 while allegations made to the Ohio Department of Education are investigated. The board hired Attorney Jason Stuckey as an investigator and the law firm of Bricker & Eckler of Cleveland.
Dave Davis was named acting superintendent during the Oct. 19 meeting.
During the November meeting, the board approved Jason Eddy as acting Head Principal for grades 6-12 and agreed to contract with the Stark County Educational Service Center for the services of an athletic event coordinator. Following the meeting, Board President Dan Ries said former Athletic Director Mark Spears will fill the position.
The board also approved amended administrator contracts for Davis, Eddy, Andy Reeves, assistant superintendent, and Amy Spears, treasurer.
In other matters, the board:
-ADOPTED the five-year forecast as presented by Amy Spears.
-ACCEPTED the resignation of Tom Fry as a bus driver effective Oct. 24 and hired him at the rate of $30 per hour as the interim transportation supervisor effective Oct. 25 on a limited two-year contract.
-SIGNED a contract with the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center for an educational aide assigned to Buckeye Career Center for a 174-day contract.
-APPROVED a contract with Sand Castle Educational Services, LLC doing business as Impact Academy.

SIGNED a master service agreement with Forerunner Technologies to provide support services for the period of Sept. 12, 2002, through Sept.12, 2025.
-APPROVED a scheduled service contract with Trance effective Dec. 1, 2022, through Nov. 30, 2025.
-ADOPTED changes to the school lunch policy, which Food Service Director Barb Burns equates to not turning a child away due to inability to pay.
-APPROVED an out-of-state field trip for the boys basketball team to attend a basketball ball game Dec. 18.
-HIRED Kaylee Baker and Olivia Teeter as certificated substitutes for the remainder of the school year and David McKarns as a classified employee effective Nov. 10.
-ACCEPTED donations totaling $108,829.13.
LEARNED from Reeves approximately 780 people attended the Reading Under the Lights event held on the high school football field.
-LEARNED bids for the new school health clinic were higher than the estimates and it is uncertain at this time what action will be taken.
-SCHEDULED the next meeting Dec. 13 at 5 p.m. in the extended learning space at the high school.

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