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Several Carroll, Columbiana and Harrison County projects received funding from House Bill 2, the state’s two-year construction budget for capital projects throughout the state.
The Capital Budget will make historic invests in local community projects, according to Monidca Robb Bladel, who represents Carroll and Columbiana counties in the Ohio House, and Don Jones, who represents Harrison County.
The bill will allocate more than $4.2 billion for projects, including $717 million in one-time project funding from the Strategic Community Investment Fund.
“The projects funded in this Capital Budget Bill include transformational investments to our Safety Services throughout the district, downtown revitalization projects, facility upgrades and recreational activities. I am honored to advocate for my district and am excited to see our community grow through the infusion of these state dollars,” Blasdel said.
Carroll County projects
$500,000 for the Carroll County Annex Building Rehab
$250,000 for the Dellroy Village Storm Drain and Street Repair
$200,000 for the Carroll County Agricultural Service Center
$200,000 for the Minerva Downtown Revitalization Project
$195, 250 for the Dellroy Village Offices / Garage Renovations
Columbiana County projects $500,000 for the Seven Ranges Scout Reservation Facility Upgrades
$2,500,000 for the Utica Shale Academy Improvements
$250,000 for the Hanover Township Fire and Emergency Medical Services Expansion Initiative.
Harrison County projects
$720,000 to rejuvenate the Harrison County Fair with replacements of the Grandstand, restrooms, the 4-H building and more;
$650,000 to construct a new regional safety center for the Tappan Lake Volunteer Fire Department that will include a law enforcement training center, educational space and housing;
$325,000 to secure a new space for the Jewett Volunteer Fire Department to store fire and emergency equipment;
$205,000 to support the Bowerston Fire Department; and
$100,000 to establish a maintenance building in the village of Bowerston.
Mark at the Park, $95,000 to add a VIP pavilion and other stage improvements to book bigger acts and a space for the community to gather.
“I am proud to see taxpayer dollars make their way back to Harrison County,” said Jones. “I look forward to seeing the transformative effects of these projects for generations to come.”
“The projects funded in this Capital Budget Bill include transformational investments to our Safety Services throughout the district, downtown revitalization projects, facility upgrades and recreational activities. I am honored to advocate for my district and am excited to see our community grow through the infusion of these state dollars,” Blasdel said.
In addition to these local investments, this legislation also includes additional statewide capital investments of:
• $600 million for the School Building Program Assistance Fund;
• $400 million for the Public Works Commission Local Public Infrastructure and State Capital Improvement Program; and
• $397.6 million for higher education projects around the state.
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