330-476-6343 | [email protected]

330-476-6343 | [email protected]
Local cartoonist Duane M. Abel recently signed with United Front Films as a screenwriter, with his first project “A Papermill Pond Romance” to begin filming in the spring of 2022.
The romantic comedy will be helmed by Lana Read, who last directed Abel in the upcoming “An Unintentional Christmas”.
Abel resides in Carroll County with his wife and two boys. His comic strip series ZED appears in over 40 publications spanning 24 states and just celebrated its 25th year of publication.
Abel’s first children’s book “Bowlers: The Cereal Mascot” is set for publication next summer by Crimson Dragon Publishing and his cartoons regularly appear in publications large and small, including Woman’s World Magazine.
Abel began his theatrical endeavors on the stage of Carrollton High School followed by accepting a full scholarship to The University of Akron where according to him, he majored in overacting and scene stealing.
He has toured in one man shows based on the lives of George Burns and Groucho Marx and has also traveled to over 1,000 schools presenting a motivational assembly entitled “Draw Your Destiny!”
In addition to working as the screenwriter to “A Papermill Pond Romance”, he will also appear in a supporting role and serve as an associate producer.
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