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330-476-6343 | [email protected]
By Leigh Ann Rutledge
CCM Reporter
Carrollton Superintendent Dave Quattrochi announced the formation of a committee to discuss school safety during the June 14 board meeting.
The passage of Ohio HB 99 allows school staff to carry a gun with a minimum of 24 hours training with an eight-hour recertification yearly. Quattrochi asked for two board members to be on the committee, which will include the school resource officers, other law enforcement members and other experts in the field. Meetings will not be open to the public at the current time.
“Is 24 hours enough training?” Quattrochi asked while contemplating his question. “Before they had a three-day training. How many should be chosen?”
The board questioned if they have input as to who could be considered. Quattrochi explained they have full discretion. He will ask the building principals for their opinions, which he will pass on with his recommendations.
Assistant Superintendent Andy Reeves updated the board on various buildings and grounds on campus. A new fence will be installed at the stadium and maintenance was completed on the football field turf. According to Reeves, the field is in good shape and should last for another seven-to-eight years. A total of 44,000 pounds of rubber was put down on the turf and warranted repairs completed. The total cost was $20,409 from ARP-Esser Funds.
Lesco, architects for the health clinic, will complete the drawings and bid out the construction. The 1,800 square foot building is expected to be completed in a one-year time frame. Total cost of the project is $800,000. The school received a $480,000 grant with the remaining funds coming from the ARP-Esser Funds.
An issue with the pavilion has put it a week or two behind schedule. Conduit has to be installed above ground instead of below due to “too many bends” which is against code.
Two basketball hoops were installed inside the Field House bringing the total “hoops” on campus to 14.
Dr. Quattrochi announced the annual Back-to-School Extravaganza will be held at the high-middle school campus. A committee has been formed to put the event together and to increase the size in the future. The school will take over the lead for the event with assistance from the health department. Quattrochi said they are looking at planning the event on a Thursday evening. More details will be available at a later date.
Regarding matters with the Carrollton Education Association (CEA), CEVSD recommended, and the board approved a new Master Agreement between the two entities effective July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025. Board member Dan Ries thanked Dr. Quattrochi, Amy Spears and union representatives for reaching an agreement in a short period of time. Dr. Quattrochi noted it was done in about 1 ½ hours, saying it shows the relationship and trust the teachers have with the administration. The three-year contract includes a two-percent raise in years one and two and a three-percent raise in year three with a $500 one-time lump sum payment each year.
It was recommended and the board approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the CEA for the position of “JumpStart to Kindergarten” summer coordinator from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025.
The Certificated Administrative benefit schedule for July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025, was updated to reflect the same level of benefits (pay raise) approved for the certified teaching staff in the CEA contract for the same period. This includes the high, middle and elementary school principals and assistant principals, preschool director, psychologist, athletic director, special services director and director of curriculum, instruction and assessment.
The board also approved the MOU between the Ohio Association of Public School Employees Local 541 (“Union”) and CEVSD board granting the Juneteenth holiday to all 11 ½ and 12-month non-teaching employees.
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